Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The New Face of Patriotism

by Jennifer Nix

I want to thank Glenn for giving me a chance to explain why I am so moved by his forthcoming book, How Would a Patriot Act. It represents the combined passions of many people, and I hope it's an illustrative tale of what can happen when we are committed to, as Glenn would say, doing the right thing.

For the past year, I've been evangelizing about the need to create a reliable and effective counterweight to the independent, pro-Bush publishing powerhouse, Regnery. This publisher ushers right-wing ideology onto the bestseller lists with the help of massive investment from Bush supporters, the support of right-wing groups and media--and political campaign-like publicity efforts that monopolize media coverage and influence the national discourse. Think Swiftboats.

Judging from the tremendous reactions I've gotten in the past week, I firmly believe we have hit on the right idea, at the right time--particularly, too, as the corporate-owned publishers have seen the success of Regnery, and have been racing to set up their own politically-connected and -driven right-wing imprints. I wrote a piece last week that led me into some email and phone discussions with various folks, and I learned about other efforts to create some kind of nimble, alternative publishing venture that could be counted on to usher instant and other books out, to help new ideas and leaders get a fair hearing in the corporate and right-wing media landscape. Part of this quest is to create marketing and distribution channels that start with those most passionate about the book's message, as Regnery has so successfully done with the pro-Bush base.

As it turns out, there have been several proposals floating around with various groups and funders, envisioning what this venture would look like. Mine was one of them. Shant Mesrobian's was another. Rick Perlstein shared some info about his efforts to get a discussion like this started a couple of years ago. A number of us have been saying that we need some kind of concerted, politically-connected and -driven effort to effectively usher progressive and other good ideas--in the form of books--onto bestseller lists and via special sales and distribution, if we are going to have a chance of competing with the right-wing message machine. The problem is that while many folks seemed to get that this is a good idea, no one was throwing any money at it to help develop the plan further.

A couple of months ago, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, Will Rockafellow (who works with a major book distributor) and I met to discuss how we could jumpstart this idea. I'd had the experience of landing and marketing the George Lakoff bestseller while at Chelsea Green, and knew what it felt like to get a book out fast, at the right time--and into the hands of the right folks. Markos knows what it's like to build a new community, and to deliver information and commentary to the netroots and beyond: to meet a need no longer best-served by only traditional media. Will knows the business of distributing books, and the many challenges therein. What we realized was that we had to prove to funders that something like the Lakoff book could happen again, in order to prove the worth of this fast-acting, nimble publishing venture, which would be focused on finding the new voices that can lead us out of our political quagmire. Oh, and to promoting the hell out of them.

We envisioned an editorial board made up of progressives and others who want to take action to defend this country from the misguided crew currently in ensconced in the White House: bloggers, representatives from various membership groups, media and political action organizations. But, we needed a project on which to focus our efforts, and to bring the project from idea to reality.

Enter Glenn Greenwald. I was introduced to Glenn's blog, Unclaimed Territory, through a project at Working Assets. Michael Kieschnick and Becky Bond had offered me a fellowship to work with bloggers to help usher them, and their ideas, out into the wider media landscape. To, in effect, help create a new pundit class--one that could speak intelligently on radio and TV and in op-eds about new ideas for getting this country back on track, and for moving us beyond the bitter partisan divide. I thought Michael had come up with a great idea. I knew wanted to see some new faces, and I was sure the country could use that, too. During that 10-week fellowship, I worked with several bloggers and we recently held a media-training day for a number of them in San Francisco. I was proud to meet every last one of them. The strength of their convictions was palpable. Talk about refreshing!

My editorial interest was particularly piqued by Glenn's ability to reach both liberals and conservatives through his writing about the NSA scandal and Bush's radical theories of Presidential power. He is able elevate this discussion beyond liberal and conservative frames, to cut through the morass of political posturing, and to talk about what it means to be a patriot today. On occasion, Glenn has even gotten nods from the mainstream media, when he beat them to various aspects of the story.

I saw in Glenn an author who could meet the fast deadline of an instant book, based on the work he'd already done on his blog. I saw the topic and timing as being right--the need for a strong defense of the Constitution and American values in the face of a presidency run amok. I heard a voice that is worthy of larger audience. And I saw an opportunity to try again, to show that bloggers, progressives and others passionate about defending this nation can drive books onto bestseller lists--and influence the national discourse. Luckily, I got to Glenn before all the agents started calling him, and explained to him how important it is to create this alternative, independent infrastructure, and to build the right marketing channels to ensure bestselling numbers, so that progressive and other new ideas get out into the minds of more Americans.

Glenn saw the power behind this idea and wanted to sign on. Then I went to a number of forward-thinking leaders and asked for their support. Simon Rosenberg stepped up, and offered me a fellowship with his New Politics Institute (of the New Democratic Network) to help develop the idea. And the directors of Working Assets stepped up with the funding and organizational support to make this book a reality. I've joined Working Assets, and this experiment will be ushered into the world by Working Assets Publishing.

As Glenn's book makes its way to reality, I urge you to realize the importance of supporting other important books, too. Like American Theocracy, Crashing the Gate and Hostile Takeover. The better progressive-minded books do in the marketplace, the further these ideas will spread. Right-wingers realized a long time ago the importance of controlling and beefing up sales of their books, so they reach bestselling numbers and dominate news coverage. We cannot stand by and let corporate- and right-wing media continue to control the debate.

A number of independent publishers had bestsellers since 2004, proving that by being creative with new technology and financing, we can compete with the big, corporate publishers--and actually keep the money to be made in progressive coffers, to fund more progressive ideas and authors. We'll be able to take risks on new authors, develop new talents and leadership. What hasn't been proven yet, is what aspects of those models are replicable, and THAT is what part of this experiment is about: showing that quick progressive and cross-over books can RELIABLY be ushered onto the national stage, and impact political debate . If the media won't cover our ideas intelligently, we must create our own successful vehicles to generate discussion.

I'm looking forward to talking further with interested folks. Shant Mesrobian is joining this collaborative team to figure out how we can create the best model for this publishing venture/creative campaign agency, to better usher out our ideas with power and verve--and the commercial success that will lift all progressive boats.

There is much work to be done, but we have to start somewhere, and we invite everyone to participate and contribute ideas and energy. The more input the better. We need to build this thing together. Feel free to email me at jnix@wafs.com.


  1. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I like the idea, book publishing in a timely manner that is relevant to the issues at hand. I also liked the idea behind Air America.

    I do feel that what is really needed though is television exposure. Or webcasting as an alternative to that. What I'm wondering I guess is whether there would be any interest from someone with money, George Soros, or mabe some of the Hollywood progressives in doing something like that. It's expensive I'm sure, but not nearly as expensive as it was before the advent of cable. Mabe a 1/2 hour show once a week one of the cable channels to start as a test to see if there is any interest or not. The big bugaboo as always is start up money for advertising to get the word out to draw an audience.

    Mabe an idea to think about anyway.

  2. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Do you know about how Regnery buys their own books in bulk to push up their sales figures and make it look like they're more popular than they really are? Including the ones they sell through their other arm, the Conservative Book Club? They've been doing this at least since the early '90s, when I was in conservative publishing as a production person.

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    "My editorial interest was particularly piqued by Glenn's ability to reach both liberals and conservatives through his writing..."
    That's why I like Glenn's writing, too.

    But I'm afraid you'll miss a lot of critical chances to reach -- and convert -- conservatives with the new book as long as its subtitle refers to "a president run amok." I hate to sound like a jerk, but the use of this phrase on the cover shows amazingly poor judgement. It makes the book sound like the work of a stereotypical "Bush-hater" to any potential reader who is even remotely inclined to like Bush. It guarantees that a lot of people who otherwise might give the book a chance will dismiss it, unopened, based on preconceived notions.
    As a result, unlike Glenn's actual blog, the book is going to do a lot more preaching to the converted than anything else.
    How many times have we had our well-reasoned arguments against the Bush administration thrown back at us by those who say we're "just Bush-haters"? Do we really want to arm those whom the book might enlighten with a reason to dismiss the book sight unseen?

    If I could suggest anything, it would be to change "president" to "administration." Don't get me wrong: I agree that the president has run amok, and that it's our patriotic duty to spread the word. But I want this book to spread the word to those who don't already agree with me, which will never happen if the book wears the armband of stereotypical "liberalism."

  4. But I'm afraid you'll miss a lot of critical chances to reach -- and convert -- conservatives with the new book as long as its subtitle refers to "a president run amok."

    I'm sure Jennifer will answer this, but let me say this: You make a very good point, and we spent a lot of time talking about exactly the issue you just described.

    Not that I'm an expert on book titles - quite the contrary, almost everything I know about the subject I learned in the last 6 weeks - but there are all kinds of purposes and goals that go into a book title. And the perception that someone has of a book is determined by a whole variety of things -- not just the title, but the way the title looks, the cover layout, the pictures on the cover - it all contributes to the overall feel of the book.

    There were a number of titles that were way much more inflammatory than this one that ended up being rejected for the reason you referenced. But at the end of the day, this book IS arguing that the powers claimed and exercised by the President are threatening the basic values and system of government that we have, so any title that accurately describes the argument of the book is going to be anti-Bush, because the argument is critical of Bush's actions.

    There are ways to criticize Bush that make it seem as though one is driven by intense partisanship or hatred, and there are ways to criticize Bush that are based on reasoned argument and an appeal to the values of our country. It's important to me that the book be the latter, and ultimately, I don't think that part of the subtitle (and it is just the subtitle) is inconsistent with that. That will especially be true with a conservative writer for the Foreword and with all the rest of the material which accompanies the part of the title.

    Finally, the percentage of the country which is truly closed off to criticism of Bush is very small and decreasing every day. The vast majority of the country now distrusts him and dislikes him, and so only a small number of people will be closed off to an anti-Bush argument that is presented respectfully and rationally but still aggressively.

  5. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Robert Greenwald (no idea if he is related to Glen by any chance) is the film maker who made Outfoxed (about FOX News) and Uncovered (about the pre-war intelligence).

    I think it would be interesting to approach Robert Greenwald about a film on the NSA spying issue(possibly called Overheard?). Just as he did with Uncovered, there are lots of people whom he could interview: Glen, Russell Tice, Russell Feingold, other constitutional law scholars and/or historians, people who have a handle on the technical aspects of the program, possibly the FISA judge who resigned, the FBI agents who have to keep tracking down the useless leads generated by the program. I know it's complicated by the classified nature of the program -- but the focus could be primarily on the issue that Glen has raised which is the incredible overreaching on the part of the executive branch. As well as the reluctance of Congress to set limits or even investigate.

  6. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I've been reading about the Committees for Correspondence with my son as he studies early American History. The committees were responsible for writing about a particular problem/issue, disseminating that to the public in order to educate them and move public opinion.

    Ms. Nix's ideas about publishing reminded me of these early mechanisms to disseminate information directly to the people.

  7. But at the end of the day, this book IS arguing that the powers claimed and exercised by the President are threatening the basic values and system of government that we have, so any title that accurately describes the argument of the book is going to be anti-Bush, because the argument is critical of Bush's actions.

    And to continue in that vein, any title that tries to hide this fact isn't being true to the book's thesis. I would even argue that if the subtitle were removed, or softened further, people might accuse Glenn of a bait-and-switch; a title that says or implies one thing, and the actual text says something else. If people are going to "judge a book by its cover" literally, and dismiss everything Glenn has to say because of a subtitle, I say let 'em go.

  8. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Whig writes: Glenn Greenwald transcends this left/right dichotomy, and I want his book to succeed on its own merits, not because it is part of a publishing empire which includes notable power and influence-seeking twits like Kos.

    But why should his book not succeed on its own merits, but better, with the assistance of a publisher who is ardently convinced of the importance of his message? Nothing in the book's title or cover design suggest that Glenn has become a spokesman for International A.N.S.W.E.R., and he and Ms. Nix have both indicated that his book will decidedly not be addressed merely to "liberals" or the left. They are negotiating with a well-know conservative to write the preface.

    I value and own some books published by Regnery. But they have also published some things I find deplorable, such as the anti-evolution, Intelligent Design crap spit out by Jonathan Wells and Phillip Johnson. But I do not, and no one should, associate every other Regnery author with devious sellers of snake oil like the IDists.

    My point is, it doesn't mater what you think of Kos. Glenn has written his own, separate book, and has behind him a publisher who has the demonstrated ability to propel it into large readership. That is good for Glenn, and given the subject of his book, good for the country.

  9. This is the *perfect* confluence of circumstances to get this set of ideas and alternatives perspective on the NSA Warrantless Spying Theory to counter the Conservative Media Machine out NOW.

    Thanks for your effort to sponsor and work with Glenn on making this happen.

    Looking forward to reading the finished edition.


  10. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I noticed that Jennifer left out "racist" in describing Regnery. Do not be afraid to describe Regnery as racist. It is factual to do so.


    Check the second link.

  11. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Dear Bob,

    Point with a book is to reach out to people who don't follow blogs, to get Glenn's ideas out to folks who are used to the printed page. Then to continue the discussion on Glenn's blog. You'll get to make your comments--and I'll look forward to them. But we also need to be considering the many people who don't understand blogs, or who have preconceived notions about them. And, let's not forget the many people who don't even have computers. A book can be read for free from a library, or handed to you by a friend. You hear about it in various places. It's still a good way to disseminate ideas. It's not everything--I grant you that. But, it's an important part of the process of ushering ideas into the world. And quick books that can help drive into the news the issues that media are ignoring or failing to cover well, could be a very good way of introducing new thinkers and leaders to a wider audience. Worth a try.

  12. I think it's a great title. Love the title. Succinct, provocative and it will suck in all the mini-pundits looking for plaudits. I guarantee you'll get referenced all over the conservative blogosphere. Jen, I hope I can see something coming out from your press by progressives-of-color (like Van Jones in the Bay Area). I'm worried that all these sites are becoming ethnically segregated....

  13. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Film Diva:

    I am a huge fan of Van Jones, and have been talking to him about a book for more than a year. I hope we can bring him into this new fold. Do you know him? Send the post, so he hears about what's going on here from different sources. He's so busy with Ella Baker Center's many wonderful projects, that I just think it's hard for him to carve out the time to write. But that is certainly another voice that needs to be heard by folks all around the country--not just the lucky few in the Bay Area.

  14. I'm very good friends with him. I'll call him tonight and tell him to get on the good fight.

  15. I'm truly glad to see intelligent people have been busy. As I read at Digby's the other day, I feel like I've been under water, things are fuzzy and distorted, objections fall mute and die on my lips.

    This is quite an undertaking as I'm sure you are aware. Well beyond the financial risk, smirky right wing talking heads can't wait to point out a failure of opposing points of view by claiming them 'marginal and out of the mainstream.'

    Which makes this an error free environment. Please do good. I have full confidence in Glenn's ability. His devotion to the law above partisanship cannot be ignored save by the only jaundiced of eyes.

    It's the marketing and buzz that is so critical. It sounds as though you are corraling up some talent, Jennix to create a significant push. I agree if progressive books do well, perhaps other forms of media will take note. Good luck on Glenn's "blook".

  16. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Hopefully this will be the new Common Sense

  17. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I agree that a book reaches many people who do not own computers and /or are not savvy about blogs and blog reading (still quite a large group).

    It's not a mere *paritsan spin* - Glenn has generated a compelling and sound narrative of the legal doctrines and principles involved here - but in a manner to be understood by folks who are not legally trained of up to date on all the cases law that applies to this. And he does so in a clear, unequivocable manner which is east to follow and understand.

    That, in and of itself, is a TREMENDOUS service (and has been on this blog - along with it's discussion threads and commentators) - but these arguments must reach a wider audience of the general public on this important issue. This isn't just some political "ya win some- ya lose some" battles - but the undermining of the very foundational principles of our Government and the Constitution on which it is based.

    Enough can not be said on this issue - and putting out in as much media methods as possible is what is needed.

  18. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I think it's a good idea to build an infrastructure to counterbalance the rightward tilt of communications these days. I'd even be a rep! If we keep saying we don't want to be like the republicans with their 24/7 spin cycles, then we'll always be the opposition.

  19. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I think it's a good idea to build an infrastructure to counterbalance the rightward tilt of communications these days. I'd even be a rep! If we keep saying we don't want to be like the republicans with their 24/7 spin cycles, then we'll always be the opposition.

  20. Anonymous3:48 PM

    This is too funny. You're actually worried about Regnery's penny-ante publishing house? Are you unaware that the biggest book publishers with the biggest marketing budgets already provide plenty of room for liberal stemwinders by Molly Ivins (Random House), Michael Moore (HarperCollins), and the like?

    The fact that the big publishers are coming out with conservative imprints like Sentinel and Crown Forum is only because their main imprints are ALREADY so weighted towards liberal/left writers.

    It's just amazing to me that liberal writers would have a persecution complex about big publishers that publish liberal books all the freaking time.

  21. Regnery Press loves death more than Al Qaeda does. Ann Coulter thinks about dead people when she's making love.
