Meet the oh-so-noble peace protestors in Argentina
Let's start with a few photographs of the anti-war, peace advocates in action. Behold their humanitarian spirit and lofty, principled opposition to violence:

The star attraction of the demonstration was Diego Maradona, the former Argentinian soccer player who made headlines yesterday by leading the demonstration along with Venezuelan socialist Hugo Chavez. This was the first time in the last 10 years that Maradona made headlines for something other than his decade-long cocaine binge, resulting health and legal troubles, and close friendship with Fidel Castro:
Not coincidentally, the demonstrators' heroes prominently include that great crusader for economic justice and world peace, Fidel Castro:
Castro sent an official Communist delegation to represent him, and they were enthusiastic and welcomed participants:
Here is Maradona, striking his rebellious pose, sitting next to a guffawing Hugo Chavez. Maradona is wearing a t-shirt labelling Bush a "war criminal". See below for the even more sophisticated t-shirt he wore before his costume change:
A representative gentleman advancing the important and insightful argument that Bush is a Nazi, expressed through his sign showing Bush wearing a swastika:
Here is Maradona, before he spoke to the Socialist throngs, expressing the important and insightful argument that Bush is a Nazi:
Finally, here is Maradona sharing a light moment with one of his heroes, humanitarian and worldwide symbol of Freedom and Propserity, Fidel Castro:

It sure is terrible that people like this dislike Bush and think that U.S. policies are misguided and wrong, isn't it? Boy, this really does show, as the New York Times told us in the first sentence of its article today on the demonstrations, that "Bush's troubles trailed him to an international summit here." These are noble, just and insightful people at these demonstrations and if they don't like something, that is pretty compelling proof that it is wrong.
Distorted media accounts notwithstanding, isn't it painfully obvious what is going on here? These are hard-core Communists. Fidel Castro is one of their heroes. This has nothing to do with opposition to the war in Iraq or specific free trade agreements. Those are thinly disguised pretexts. These demonstrators hate the United States because they are genuinely opposed to economic freedom and individual liberty, and they seek to impose the collectivist authoritarianism of Fidel Castro onto the entire Latin American continent. It really is that simple. We know this because they said (and showed us with pictures) that that's what they want.
Why would anyone act as though their views should be accomodated or taken as credible? Isn't it more a badge of honor than anything else to be protested against by truly odious people like this?
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