If Bush does not have the right to break the law, then -- aside from arguing that the Congressional authorization to use force in Afghanistan allowed warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens at home -- there is no defense to Bush's having ordered warrantless surveillance when FISA expressly prohibited that. Thus, many Bush defenders are now arguing, as they must, that a "wartime" President's power is so vast that it even includes this law-breaking power.
But the same individuals peddling this theory are simultaneously objecting quite vigorously to the notion that they are bestowing George Bush with the powers of a King. Bill Kristol and Gary Stevenson, for instance, called such claims "foolish and irresponsible" in the very same Washington Post Op-Ed where they argued that Bush need not "follow the strictures of" (i.e., obey) the law, and the President himself angrily denied that he is laying claim to a "dictatorial position" in the very same Press Conference where he proudly insisted on the right to eavesdrop on Americans without a warrant even though FISA makes it a crime to do so.
On its face, this theory that Bush as a "wartime" President has the right to break the law squarely contradicts their insistence that they are not advocating for monarchic rule. Once you advocate a theory that authorizes a President, even during times of an undeclared and endless war, to violate any Congressional laws he wants as long as he says -- with no judicial review possible -- that doing so is for the sake of our security, what possible checks or limitations on Presidential power are left?
This debate is about the President's claimed wartime power to break the law, not his power to order surveillance. Put another way, for those who want to advocate this theory of unilateral executive power -- but who then also want to deny that they are foisting upon America the King it never wanted -- the question that must be answered is this:
Are there any limitations at all on what the President can do under the guise of national security and, if so, what are they? And, given this theory of the "wartime" President who can violate the laws of Congress and who can ignore the courts in areas of national security, what legal foundation could exist to argue for any such limitations?
In what way are these wartime powers which we are hearing belong to George Bush -- including the right to ignore Congressional law -- not accurately described as the powers of a King? What defining powers of a King does George Bush lack under this framework? Bush defenders such as Bill Kristol pay lip service to the notion that their theory is "not an argument for an unfettered executive prerogative," but they never say what limits on executive power exist. That is because their theory, by its nature, posits that there are no limits -- not even the limits of law -- and they just seem unwilling to be honest and admit that. If that's not the case, they should tell us what limits they think exist on Bush's powers.
Over the last month, we have had raucous, seemingly democratic arguments over issues such as Congress' attempt to bar the use of torture and the renewal of the Patriot Act. But why do these debates matter at all? Who really cares what legislation Congress passes in these areas? After all, as a "wartime" President, doesn't Bush have the right to use whatever interrogation and surveillance techniques he wants, even if Congress expressly forbids them by law? If he can violate FISA at his whim, doesn't it follow that he can violate the McCain Amendment and exercise even those interrogation and surveillance powers which Congress refuses to renew under the Patriot Act?
And the same question applies to the Fourth Circuit's Administration-rebuking decision yesterday in the Padilla case -- who cares what the courts say about how the Government should treat "enemy combatants"? We are at war, say Bush's defenders, and Bush thus has the unfettered power to make those decisions himself without any interference from Congress or the judiciary. And if the Congress or the federal courts try to limit what he can do in these areas, doesn't he have the absolute right to ignore those limits and do what he wants anyway?
These are not academic questions. Quite the contrary, it is hard to imagine questions more pressing. We are at a moment in time when not just fringe ideologues, but core, mainstream supporters of the President -- not to mention senior officials in the Administration itself – are openly embracing the theory that the President can use the power and military force of the United States to do whatever he wants, including to and against U.S. citizens, as long as he claims that it is connected to America’s "war" against terrorists – a war which is undeclared, ever-expanding, and without any visible or definable end.
While Bush advocates have long been toying with this theory in the shadows, the disclosure that Bush ordered warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens in undeniable violation of a Congressional statute has finally forced them to articulate their lawless power theories out in the open. Bush got caught red-handed violating the law, and once it became apparent that no argument could be made that he complied with the law, the only way to defend him was to come right out and say that he has the right to break the law. So that debate -- over the claimed limitlessness of George Bush's power -- can't be put off any longer.
To their credit, there are Administration defenders who are nakedly honest about what they see as the limitlessness of George Bush’s "wartime" power. The Vice President, for one, certainly doesn’t seem to think there any such limits and has no problem saying so:
"I believe in a strong, robust executive authority, and I think that the world we live in demands it -- and to some extent that we have an obligation as the administration to pass on the offices we hold to our successors in as good of shape as we found them," Cheney said. In wartime, he said, the president "needs to have his constitutional powers unimpaired."
And here is former Bush 41 Attorney General William Barr simply admitting that he believes there are no limits on Presidential power in "wartime" -- which, of course, includes right now and will include, at a minimum, the remainder of Bush's term in office:
Yet Bush supporters believe that other branches should take a subsidiary role to the president in safeguarding national security. "The Constitution's intent when we're under attack from outside is to place maximum power in the president," said William P. Barr, who was attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, "and the other branches, and especially the courts, don't act as a check on the president's authority against the enemy."
It is true by definition that if -- as Cheney and Barr claim -- the "other branches" don’t "act as a check on the president’s authority," then nothing does. How is it possible for anyone who ascribes to this view to deny that they are advocating an "unchecked" monarchic President when what they are advocating is, by logical necessity, exactly that?
Adopting such a theory has grave and immediate consequences. Marvel at the expansive list of extraordinary powers we have been told -- just in the last few days alone -- the President possesses, and which nobody, neither Congress nor the judiciary, has any ability to stop or even to limit:
Bush can unilaterally declare war and then, based on his own unchecked declaration, exercise unlimited wartime powers. He can ask Congress to change laws he doesn't like and then violate them anyway if it refuses. He can strip American citizens of the legal protections of citizenship by unilaterally declaring with no trial that they are affiliated with terrorism. And, according to Circuit Judge Richard Posner yesterday, Bush can monitor the conversations not just of people suspected of having ties to Al Qaeda -- a limitation which Posner says is "too restrictive" -- but can (and, says Posner, should) expand that group without limits, even to include "[i]nnocent people, such as unwitting neighbors of terrorists, [who] may, without knowing it, have valuable counterterrorist information."
Once it is accepted that George Bush has the power to violate the laws of the United States (such as FISA) based on his status as a "wartime" President, there is no coherent way to claim that he is without the power to unilaterally impose still-greater intrusions. A theory that allows the President to violate Congressional statutes and which denies any role of judicial review is a theory which has no theoretical or legal ground for limiting the President’s conduct in any way during "wartime."
Thus, beyond this jarring list of impressive new powers which Bush defenders want to bestow on him, would not this new Bush-defending theory of the wartime Presidency also necessarily allow the President, in the name of national security, to do all of the following:
* Ignore Congressional refusal to renew certain provisions of the Patriot Act by exercising the powers under those provisions anyway;
* Violate the McCain Amendment's prohibition on torture by claiming that it unduly restricts his authority to conduct the war how he sees fit;
* Eavesdrop without a warrant on domestic telephone calls between American citizens, rather than purely international communications, and expand this surveillance to include the monitoring of e-mail and other computerized communications between American citizens;
* Secretly place cameras in the homes of American citizens to enable the monitoring to be visual as well as audio;
* Order the detention of editors and reporters of newspapers, such as the New York Times, which publish classified information which the President believes --
as he repeatedly said was the case with respect to the NSA disclosures -- harm national security and "help Al Qaeda";
* Rather than indefinitely imprisoning them, execute U.S. citizens who, like Jose Padilla, are declared based purely on Presidential decree to be "enemy combatants" of the United States;
* Arrest members of domestic anti-war groups and other opponents of the President's military policies – the same groups on which the FBI and Pentagon have been spying – on the ground that such groups impede the U.S. war effort and constitute a threat to national security.
The issue here is not the likelihood that this Administration would want to engage in such conduct. The question is whether, as certainly seems to be the case, these theories of the Unchecked Executive being wielded in defense of George Bush would permit this Administration -- or a future Administration -- to do these things. If so, that ought to be stated explicitly.
This Administration -- from Jose Padilla to its torture policies and now with its law-defying eavesdropping on American citizens -- has unmistakably signaled that it ascribes to theories of the wartime Executive which give the President powers at least as great as any other prior administration ever claimed. In case there is any doubt about this, the Administration has made clear that it believes that the Executive must get stronger and stronger:
Bush, with Cheney's encouragement, has taken what scholars call a more expansive view of his role than any commander in chief in decades. With few exceptions, Congress and the courts have largely stayed out of the way, deferential to the argument that a president needs free rein, especially in wartime.
Sen. John E. Sununu (R-N.H.) said: "The vice president may be the only person I know of that believes the executive has somehow lost power over the last 30 years."
And it is always worth remembering that the genesis for this theory, at least in this Administration, is the absolutist position laid out in the September, 2001 Yoo Memornadum:
In both the War Powers Resolution and the Joint Resolution, Congress has recognized the President's authority to use force in circumstances such as those created by the September 11 incidents. Neither statute, however, can place any limits on the President's determinations as to any terrorist threat, the amount of military force to be used in response, or the method, timing, and nature of the response. These decisions, under our Constitution, are for the President alone to make.
If a theory of limitless Executive power is not what Bush defenders are advocating, then it is incumbent upon them to articulate what limitations they believe exist on Presidential power in times of undeclared war. What is it that courts or Congress can do, if anything, to serve as a check on these powers?
Dick Cheney, William Barr, Bill Kristol, and Richard Posner all seem to think that the answer is "nothing." For those who want to claim that Bush had the authority as a "wartime" President to simply break the law with regard to warrantless eavesdropping on Americans, what other answer can they can coherently give?
This is the big secret that needs to get out. It's not about FISA or torture or any specific issue. It's about establishing the idea that the President can act without the restraint of law.
ReplyDeleteOnce they get that, the sky is the limit.
I wish you would stop saying that US Citizens were the subject of these wire taps. Your argument (WRT FISA) is quite strong, strong enough to stand on it's own without asserting this abject speculation is fact.
ReplyDeleteYour argument (WRT FISA) is quite strong, strong enough to stand on it's own without asserting this abject speculation is fact.
ReplyDeleteUndisputed reports say that hundreds of people inside of the country, at least, have had their communications eavesdropped on under this program. Under this program, one of the parties to the communication is, by definition, inside of the U.S.
It may be theoretically possible that the surveillance never intruded into the conversations of a single American citizen, but given the simple numbers involved, the probability of that being the case is exceedingly low - so low that it is hardly "abject speculation" to assert that is happened. At worst, it is highly informed speculation based on very high probabilities.
And, more to the point, Bush's program authorized this surveillance to include American citizens. There was nothing which instructed the NSA to avoid eavesdropping on communications involving American citizens as opposed to visitors (I doubt it would even be possible to avoid this). Thus, whether the program accidentally and quite improbably avoided surveillance on American citizens is really besides the point.
Thank you. I've been trying to tell people since the announcement of Padilla's "capture" that the current Administration believes that they have unlimited power during this never-ending "war". Finally, the truth is coming out. Don't let them sweep this under the rug.
ReplyDeleteThis discussion is fascinating, and as Glenn points out, the farthest thing from academic. Another interesting question to pose, or maybe another way to frame the same one, is: "Is there any power constitutionally vested in the President as CiC that Congress and/or the courts cannot impede?"
ReplyDeleteI thought this attempt at disaggregating the issues by Cass Sunstein was useful to distill the essential legal questions. He does find (mere) plausibility in most of what the Administration is arguing.
ReplyDeleteI think we're in for a dose of Egyptian-style democracy, just as we're encouraging Egypt to be an American style democracy.
ReplyDeleteEgypt has has a state of emergency since Anwar Sadat was assassinated. Mubarak has had extraordinary powers the whole time he has been president.
Welcome to Fascism people.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Fascism? Do _YOU_ support it???
Should Fascism be given "equal time" in America's media?
Are you an American, or do you support Fascism?
Do you know what Fascism is?
Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in Fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
Rampant Sexism
The governments of Fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under Fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.
Controlled Mass Media
Sometimes the media are directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media are indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
Obsession with National Security
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. Fascists spy on the civilian populace.
Religion and Government are Intertwined
Governments in Fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
Corporate Power is Protected
The industrial and business aristocracy of a Fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
Labor Power is Suppressed
Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.
Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Under Fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in Fascist nations
Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in Fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
Fraudulent Elections
Sometimes elections in Fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
I smell more than a whiff of Fascism in America. It smells really bad. How long will you, and your employer, support a Fascist program for America? Will you educate people who have forgotten what Fascism is? Or will you tell America to "Do as you're told, take what we give you" and support the GOP agenda?
It's a serious question, of grave historical significance.
There are no more moderates, no more democrats, no more liberals: the choice is clear. It's Fascism, or America.
What does your employer represent?
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself." - Fascists are fear mongerers.
Please Click Here for the Media Campaign
This is part of their plan to take control of our country. Mr Greenwald have you ever visited the PNAC site?
Also read the post by anonymous about the 14 top signs that your country is turning fascist.
Also Mr Greenwald do you have any thoughts on whether 9/11 was really just a random act by a small bunch of Saudi's? Or maybe it was part of something more sinister?
Or if Osama Bin Forgotten was also a Saudi why didn't we invade Saudi Arabia?
Mr Greenwald your analysis of this particular situation is great but it is just a tiny piece of a vast conspiricy to turn this country into a benign facist state which will happen unless George Bush and these criminals are thrown out of office as soon as possible.
Once again, the Bush administration has used the threat of terrorism to justify illegal activities. They should be remembered in history as the "Fear Factor Administration". This is what happens when you have a man who has displayed ABSOLUTELY NO INTEGRITY in his entire life, lead the most powerful nation in the world. His entire life is filled with screw-ups. Which, were fixed by Poppa Bush or they're "friends" of the family. He wasn't even man enough to serve his country when he was called upon. But now he is man enough to send our troops to fight an unclear battle? He and his administration have high-jacked our beloved country and smeared our reputation that our forefathers worked so hard to uphold. Hey....at least they have religious values. What a joke!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAfter this posting I'll have to watch my back, I may be wire tapped by big brother!!!!!!
"What is it that courts or Congress can do, if anything, to serve as a check on these powers?
ReplyDeleteDick Cheney, William Barr, Bill Kristol, and Richard Posner all seem to think that the answer is "nothing." For those who want to claim that Bush had the authority as a "wartime" President to simply break the law with regard to warrantless eavesdropping on Americans, what other answer can they can coherently give?"
Who cares what answer they give? It'll be lies anyway. The answer will come out in 2k8. Will free elections be allowed? Will a legitimate opposition candidate even be allowed, rather than another interchangeable cog in the corporate money machine? I suspect the answer to both is 'not unless we the people reassert our right to self-governance'. Scary thought, that.
The question, ultimately, is pointless. Obviously, Bush has assumed total power - this, because he surely has put his office outside the law.
ReplyDeleteThat being so, there is nothing civilian authority can do to correct the situation that the administration cannot negate.
I'm afraid that, in the end, we will survive as a democratic republic only by grace of a military which refuses to condone or support the regime change now underway, for it is the military who will be called upon to suppress any and all civilian dissent, violent or otherwise.
Too bad you picked LGF, what a pleasanter place this was before...
ReplyDeleteThis is the same bullshit argument Nixon used . . . of course Cheney and Rummy were right there in the Nixon administration pushing for IMPERIAL powers.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is, we are not "at war"; since Congress is the only body that can legally declare war; Bush is not a "wartime" president; this is a simple case of overreaching and attempting to turn a CRIME into an act of WAR when in fact, nothing that happened in 9/11 (even if you still believe the 19 arab fairy tale) even begins to meet the most rudamentary definition of war, which is " an act of open aggression by one state against another".
No state acted; 9/11 was a crime done by the Cheney administration for the sole and singular purpose of producing that "catastrophic catalyzing" event those motherfuckers at PNAC needed to launch their New World Order, the ultimate objective of which is to place 98 percent of the human population into a slave-servant class surviving on $1 a day, while the elites have EVERYTHING.
Enjoy the new year, it's only going to get worse.
I predict the U.S. will be in FULL MILITARY LOCKDOWN by summer.
This is great stuff.
ReplyDeleteCarl Schmitt's philosophy is a powerful influence on the current administration.
The right have brought the techniques of the dirty war home. The use of Negroponte techniques, honed in Latin America are evidence helped to steal the election of 2000.
The response to 9/11 and the assumption of special powers was a classic technique to create a permawar with the country united against an invisible enemy. As the war on terror can't be won, it can't end either.
By the way writing as a European, from a country where we still have kings (and Queens) the constitional powers of a US president far outweigh a monarch.
ReplyDeleteLet's play "Connect the Dots":
(Repost, because you should know)
2. B.S. YC S ==> Other bullshit WMD stories
3. O. B.S. WMD S==> 9/11
4. 9/11 ==> PNAC
5. PNAC ==> Adolescent world domination fantasy. READ ABOUT IT HERE:
http:// www.newamericancentury.or...ionsreports.htm
Now, the PNAC report you want to start with is the one entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century". Here is an excerpt that should be of particular interest. It appears on page 51, left column, paragraph two:
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."
Actually, all of page 51 is of special interest. Especially the part about controlling space and cyberspace.
But most importantly, what luck! They got just such a catalyzing, catastrophic event on September 11, 2001, just months after returning to power! (Read below the history of the personnel in this administration) Now, couple that with what you can read here. . .
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/new.../ northwoods.pdf (More on this important document below)
Here is a great site that will give you any details you want to know about the people at PNAC
http://www.oldamericancentury.or...ry.org/ pnac.htm
And to watch a video that explains PNAC in simple terms, click here
http://www.oldamericancentury.or...g/ barrysays.wmv
for a Quicktime version of this video, click here
http://www.knife-party.net/flash...lash/ barry.html
"PNAC is not America. They are the radical, idealistic, terrorists who have hijacked it, and are well on their way to completely destroying it. Not in the empty rhetorical way that conservatives have been shreiking about "liberals are ruining America", I mean the actually systematic destruction of Americas image, military, economy, environment, constitution, educational system, workers rights, manufacturing industry, future, the list goes on and on. And it isn't conservatives who are responsible for this destruction. It's just this group of radicals within the conservative camp." ShifterX@Spock'sBeard
The United States has a three-part manifest for bringing smaller nations under its thrall.
First, an "economic" approach is attempted. The nation is offered a ridiculously high, mega-interest loan that it can never, ever pay off. As a condition to the loan, the nation agrees to "privatize" all of its industries and eliminate social programs, thereby promptly disenfranchising and impoverishing a majority of its population.
Second if that doesn't work, then a coup is attempted, usually with the assistance of friendly locals.
Third if neither one nor two above works, then an all-out military invasion is staged.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins.
During the Eisenhower administration, the U.S. attempted to oust newly installed Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, who had destroyed and displaced the U.S. puppet Batista regime. Oh, how they hate Fidel.
Fidel rejected the "free (uhm I mean "rigged") market capitalism" and "free trade" policies of the U.S. He recognized how terrible they were for the vast majority of people. Fidel refused U.S. aid; refused a loan, which of course, set plan "B" into action. Obviously, the many attempts that have been made covertly to depose Fidel over the last 70 years have failed abysmally.
During Kennedy's administration, efforts were made to drum up American support for Option "C" -- an all-out invasion of Cuba. First, there were a series of strange hijackings of commercial airliners, by Cuban nationals who had escaped from Castro's Cuba. Yet now, for some inexplicable reason (never given of course) they were hijacking American airliners and demanding to be flown to Havana!
These hijackings failed to engender sufficient American support to justify war with Cuba. Though there was a contingency plan, which contemplated escalating these "terror" attacks.
You can find it in a document called "Operation Northwoods".
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/new.../ northwoods.pdf
Fortunately, the Kennedy administration never was crazy enough to go to the extremes advocated in the Northwoods document; Johnson and Nixon had Vietnam. But Chimpy? What did he have? Questionable legitimacy; a failed economy; 45 million uninsured for health care; 25% of the population of the Land of the Free IN PRISON; extreme unpopularity; no ideas; growing discontent and then....
VOILA! a catalyzing, catastrophic event
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney, et. al., ALL OF WHOM WERE INVOLVED (and behind) IN THE WOULD-BE IMPERIAL NIXON ADMINISTRATION (as well as Reagan and Bush I) had access to Operation Northwoods documents. You can see how it starts to come together, but you have to look at this thing as an operation that spans decades, not just the few years since they came to power.
Why hasn't it come to fruition yet? PNAC's plan for world domination isn't working out how they had planned because it was delayed by about 8 years. They were counting on a second term for Bush the elder. 9/11 likely would have taken place on September 11, 1993, 20 years to the day of Nixon's Chilean coup (see Plan "B" above) During this time of course, Bush Sr. was CIA director. The CIA is the agency that carries out these black ops on behalf of the U.S. Also On September 11, 1991 Bush Sr. first announced the onset of The New World Order.
However, they did not count on H. Ross Perot gumming up the works in '92. He split the conservative vote and thwarted the Bush Sr.'s second term.
These guys went though Watergate....hell they cut their teeth on it. They learned from Watergate that the press had to be controlled. So they spent the next 40 years buying up media. That's why the mass media is a marketing and advertising tool instead of a legitimate journalistic enterprise.
And, in light of 1992 and 1996, in 2000 they made sure the pesky choice of American voters wouldn't thwart them again . . . they have DieBold now.
Like all short-sighted, live-for-the-moment and care about only immeidate profit and gain corporate asshats, their solutions are/were not far-reaching enough.
If Bush Sr. had been reelected, it is unklikely that we would have the internet, at least in it's current form, and frankly the net is the biggest reason this group is having so much trouble. They control all the mainstream press (making an adjustment from another mistake, when they tried to establish an imperial presidency under Nixon), but the net let's people circumnavigate the newscasters and find out what's really going on in the world. Thank you H. Ross Perot!!!:D However, BEWARE! They want to control the internet TOO and they are already dreaming up numerous bullshit reasons to do it.
The sheeple are on to these paperless black boxes and many jurisdictions are simply refusing to use them. Also several state legislatures have begun to enact or draft rules governing access to voting equipment before during and after a vote, as well as making efforts to distribute access more evenly.
It is extremely unlikely that another rigged vote will work because there is no basis for the media to claim that the choice of the American people is "evenly divided". If anything the lie has been given to that claim, particularly in light of "meat" issues like Schiavo that have demonstrated that these fringe lunatics are still in the extreme, even if they have bought and cheated their way into power.
But the point is, the delay in the execution of their evil plot by the intervening Clinton terms forced them to reach to fast and too far to make up for lost time when they finally got back into power in 200. Though it would have been much easier to connect Saddam's Iraq to 9/11 if it had happened on schedule, just 2 years removed from the Gulf War, they did not have that advantage any longer. Such a tenable connection would have made it easier to build a stronger coalition to invade and secure Iraq.
Instead, they got arrogant, sloppy and desperate.
IN FACT, they have already planned the next 9/11 attack and who they intend to pin it on:
"The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney's office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option."
READ MORE: http://www.dailykos.com/story/20...7/22/164841/ 163
Now, before the next 9/11 happens (and you know it will) ask yourself: What would IRAN have to gain by staging a terrorist attack on U.S. SOIL?
ReplyDeleteLet's play "Connect the Dots":
(Repost, because you should know)
2. B.S. YC S ==> Other bullshit WMD stories
3. O. B.S. WMD S==> 9/11
4. 9/11 ==> PNAC
5. PNAC ==> Adolescent world domination fantasy. READ ABOUT IT HERE:
http:// www.newamericancentury.or...ionsreports.htm
Now, the PNAC report you want to start with is the one entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century". Here is an excerpt that should be of particular interest. It appears on page 51, left column, paragraph two:
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."
Actually, all of page 51 is of special interest. Especially the part about controlling space and cyberspace.
But most importantly, what luck! They got just such a catalyzing, catastrophic event on September 11, 2001, just months after returning to power! (Read below the history of the personnel in this administration) Now, couple that with what you can read here. . .
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/new.../ northwoods.pdf (More on this important document below)
Here is a great site that will give you any details you want to know about the people at PNAC
http://www.oldamericancentury.or...ry.org/ pnac.htm
And to watch a video that explains PNAC in simple terms, click here
http://www.oldamericancentury.or...g/ barrysays.wmv
for a Quicktime version of this video, click here
http://www.knife-party.net/flash...lash/ barry.html
"PNAC is not America. They are the radical, idealistic, terrorists who have hijacked it, and are well on their way to completely destroying it. Not in the empty rhetorical way that conservatives have been shreiking about "liberals are ruining America", I mean the actually systematic destruction of Americas image, military, economy, environment, constitution, educational system, workers rights, manufacturing industry, future, the list goes on and on. And it isn't conservatives who are responsible for this destruction. It's just this group of radicals within the conservative camp." ShifterX@Spock'sBeard
The United States has a three-part manifest for bringing smaller nations under its thrall.
First, an "economic" approach is attempted. The nation is offered a ridiculously high, mega-interest loan that it can never, ever pay off. As a condition to the loan, the nation agrees to "privatize" all of its industries and eliminate social programs, thereby promptly disenfranchising and impoverishing a majority of its population.
Second if that doesn't work, then a coup is attempted, usually with the assistance of friendly locals.
Third if neither one nor two above works, then an all-out military invasion is staged.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins.
During the Eisenhower administration, the U.S. attempted to oust newly installed Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, who had destroyed and displaced the U.S. puppet Batista regime. Oh, how they hate Fidel.
Fidel rejected the "free (uhm I mean "rigged") market capitalism" and "free trade" policies of the U.S. He recognized how terrible they were for the vast majority of people. Fidel refused U.S. aid; refused a loan, which of course, set plan "B" into action. Obviously, the many attempts that have been made covertly to depose Fidel over the last 70 years have failed abysmally.
During Kennedy's administration, efforts were made to drum up American support for Option "C" -- an all-out invasion of Cuba. First, there were a series of strange hijackings of commercial airliners, by Cuban nationals who had escaped from Castro's Cuba. Yet now, for some inexplicable reason (never given of course) they were hijacking American airliners and demanding to be flown to Havana!
These hijackings failed to engender sufficient American support to justify war with Cuba. Though there was a contingency plan, which contemplated escalating these "terror" attacks.
You can find it in a document called "Operation Northwoods".
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/new.../ northwoods.pdf
Fortunately, the Kennedy administration never was crazy enough to go to the extremes advocated in the Northwoods document; Johnson and Nixon had Vietnam. But Chimpy? What did he have? Questionable legitimacy; a failed economy; 45 million uninsured for health care; 25% of the population of the Land of the Free IN PRISON; extreme unpopularity; no ideas; growing discontent and then....
VOILA! a catalyzing, catastrophic event
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney, et. al., ALL OF WHOM WERE INVOLVED (and behind) IN THE WOULD-BE IMPERIAL NIXON ADMINISTRATION (as well as Reagan and Bush I) had access to Operation Northwoods documents. You can see how it starts to come together, but you have to look at this thing as an operation that spans decades, not just the few years since they came to power.
Why hasn't it come to fruition yet? PNAC's plan for world domination isn't working out how they had planned because it was delayed by about 8 years. They were counting on a second term for Bush the elder. 9/11 likely would have taken place on September 11, 1993, 20 years to the day of Nixon's Chilean coup (see Plan "B" above) During this time of course, Bush Sr. was CIA director. The CIA is the agency that carries out these black ops on behalf of the U.S. Also On September 11, 1991 Bush Sr. first announced the onset of The New World Order.
However, they did not count on H. Ross Perot gumming up the works in '92. He split the conservative vote and thwarted the Bush Sr.'s second term.
These guys went though Watergate....hell they cut their teeth on it. They learned from Watergate that the press had to be controlled. So they spent the next 40 years buying up media. That's why the mass media is a marketing and advertising tool instead of a legitimate journalistic enterprise.
And, in light of 1992 and 1996, in 2000 they made sure the pesky choice of American voters wouldn't thwart them again . . . they have DieBold now.
Like all short-sighted, live-for-the-moment and care about only immeidate profit and gain corporate asshats, their solutions are/were not far-reaching enough.
If Bush Sr. had been reelected, it is unklikely that we would have the internet, at least in it's current form, and frankly the net is the biggest reason this group is having so much trouble. They control all the mainstream press (making an adjustment from another mistake, when they tried to establish an imperial presidency under Nixon), but the net let's people circumnavigate the newscasters and find out what's really going on in the world. Thank you H. Ross Perot!!!:D However, BEWARE! They want to control the internet TOO and they are already dreaming up numerous bullshit reasons to do it.
The sheeple are on to these paperless black boxes and many jurisdictions are simply refusing to use them. Also several state legislatures have begun to enact or draft rules governing access to voting equipment before during and after a vote, as well as making efforts to distribute access more evenly.
It is extremely unlikely that another rigged vote will work because there is no basis for the media to claim that the choice of the American people is "evenly divided". If anything the lie has been given to that claim, particularly in light of "meat" issues like Schiavo that have demonstrated that these fringe lunatics are still in the extreme, even if they have bought and cheated their way into power.
But the point is, the delay in the execution of their evil plot by the intervening Clinton terms forced them to reach to fast and too far to make up for lost time when they finally got back into power in 200. Though it would have been much easier to connect Saddam's Iraq to 9/11 if it had happened on schedule, just 2 years removed from the Gulf War, they did not have that advantage any longer. Such a tenable connection would have made it easier to build a stronger coalition to invade and secure Iraq.
Instead, they got arrogant, sloppy and desperate.
IN FACT, they have already planned the next 9/11 attack and who they intend to pin it on:
"The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney's office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option."
READ MORE: http://www.dailykos.com/story/20...7/22/164841/ 163
Now, before the next 9/11 happens (and you know it will) ask yourself: What would IRAN have to gain by staging a terrorist attack on U.S. SOIL?