Saturday, December 03, 2005

Political Dialogue in the 1990s

Defenders of the Bush Administration have resorted with increasing whininess to complaining about the impropriety of Democratic attacks on George Bush. Current criticism of Bush is not just misguided, we are told, but destructive, beyond the bounds of decency, and unpatriotic. Many people now seem to share the view expressed by Zell Miller in his quite well-written and well-delivered speech at the GOP Convention, when he characterized anti-Bush activism among Democrats as a "manic obsession to bring down our Commander-in-Chief."

After a decade of being relentlessly subjected to the most scurrilous, boundless, gutter accusations against Bill Clinton, emanating from the very same people now prissily complaining about the distastefulness of the anti-Bush criticisms, it is hard to believe that anyone takes such complaints seriously. But just in case, it is worth noting every now and then exactly what the tenor and substance was of the anti-Clinton attacks.

Here are just a few samplers which I ran into entirely by accident while looking for something completely unrelated. This type of trashy anti-Clinton invective was so common that one need not look for it in order to find it. Indeed, it was the predominant method for criticizing Clinton by the entire Republican establishment throughout the duration of his Presidency -- beginning the minute he took office and worsening every day:

First, here is the upstanding patriot Rep. Duke Cunningham, sharing his views of Congressional liberals back in 1992 (via Marty Kaplan at HP):

Cunningham makes the Washington Post's "Reliable Source" column by suggesting the liberal leadership of the House should be "lined up and shot."

And here is Rep. Cunningham sharing some of his thoughts on then-Democratic Presidential nominee Bill Clinton, less than one month before Clinton's election as President (via Daily Howler):

The Los Angeles Times quotes Cunningham as urging President Bush to attack Bill Clinton's patriotism, telling him: "This is an issue that will kill Clinton when people realize what a traitor he is to this country. In some countries, if something like this came out, he would be tried as a traitor. Tokyo Rose had nothing over Clinton."

I searched for instances of any Republicans repudiating either comment, but did not find any.

Next, we have a summary of a randomly selected day - July 19, 1995 - on the Rush Limbaugh Show, piped into the homes and minds of 20 million Americans each day. Maintained by one of Rush's fans, the daily summary lists some of the important topics covered by Rush on that day, long before anyone knew Monica Lewinsky's name:

* Webster Hubbell testifies at Senate Whitewater hearings;

* Republicans demonstrate how difficult it would be for Nussbaum to find Foster's suicide note as he claimed;

* caller asks why there is so little coverage about the Whitewater hearings;

* Webster Hubbell warned Bernard Nussbaum to stay away from the Foster investigation;

* media ignores that Hubbell testified that he kept Whitewater files from the 1992 Presidential campaign in his home;

* NYTimes points out that Robert Fiske was wrong when he concluded that there was no evidence Vincent Foster was concerned about Whitewater in early 1993.

So, in essence, the 20 million Rush listeners that day learned that the Clinton Administration had Vince Foster murdered because he knew too much about the Clintons' Whitewater crimes, and the White House then lied and covered up the murder by faking his suicide, as evidenced by the White House counsel, Bernard Nussbaum, lying about how he found Foster's fictitious "suicide note."

And all of that . . . just in one day. There's plenty more of it in the transcript for the next Rush day, if you can stomach it.

And all of that is, of course, independent of Monica's sperm-stained dress, and the spots on Clinton's penis, and his waging war in order to distract from his domestic problems, and Hillary's lesbianism, and her affair with Vince Foster, and Clinton's draft-dodging, and on and on and on . . . .

Just contemplate the level of outrage if a Democratic Congressman today said this:

"the conservative leadership of the House should be lined up and shot."

or this:

"This is an issue that will kill Bush when people realize what a traitor he is to this country. In some countries, if something like this came out, he would be tried as a traitor. Tokyo Rose had nothing over Bush."

And yet that's exactly what a huge portion of this country heard, day in and day out, for 8 years, about Bill Clinton. And they heard it from the very same people who, today, continue to lead a Republican Party which can't stop complaining that criticism of George Bush is somehow so improper and offensive that it is like nothing we've ever seen before and constitutes a threat to the very existence of the Republic.

I wonder if they remember what they were saying and doing in the 1990s and find it funny that they now hold themselves out as Beacons of Elevated Political Discourse, or if they block out what they did and don't realize how absurd it is for them to be playing that role.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Great demonstration of what disgusting hypocrites the right wing is. They destroyed political discussion in this country by ignoring all boundaries or standards when venting their hatred for the Clintons, and now they want to basically prevent ANY criticism, even substantive criticisms of Bush's war conduct, because that's unpatriotic.

    And they've gotten away with it, the slimy snakes. Compare how the media talked about Clinton to the worship they spit out about Bush, especially in 2002 and 2003.

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I honestly think that it's most Democrats who block how ugly and vile the anti-Clinton attacks were. It does do good, though, as you say, to remind ourselves now and then.

  3. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I agree that there are members of both parties who engage in very unproductive mud-slinging. I have an issue with your use of Rush as a source of some of that. That's what he sells to the 20 million people who choose to listen to him. This is as opposed to the media commentators who are distributed by prominent media, such as the NY Times and so on. You can't compare Rush to them (though you didn't, I'm just saying). All three sides (left, right, moderate) have their extreme factions unwilling to engage in productive debate.
    One difference I would point out is that CLinton's trouble existed over stuff he actually did, whereas Bush is being accused of far more heinous crimes, and without any evidence. Comparing the two is comparing apples and oranges. But it is worth noting that there are those fringe outfits on both sides that will say nearly anything. Everything has to be taken with a grain of salt. It's my personal opinion that the fringe on the left is far more pervasive, and the right-fringe exists only as extreme and isolated cases. The media also supports extreme liberalism and proudly shows extreme right-wingism as the extreme it is, and this is done in order to portray all conservatives as delusional, bible-thumping morons.
    Every case has to be decided on its own merits, and it is my personal opinion that liberals are, for the most part, the misguided and deluded ones. I'm still looking for a reasonable liberal to engage in productive discussion. That's proof for me, but everyone needs their own.
