Sunday, December 25, 2005

The threat to privacy posed by limitless Government eavesdropping (updated)

Frank Church was a U.S. Senator from Idaho from 1956 to 1980, whose work overseeing and reforming abuses by the American intelligence community left a controversial legacy. Church himself was a military intelligence officer during World War II, and he became best known in the Senate for his work as Chairman of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, which investigated and documented serious abuses by the CIA and FBI against American citizens.

The work of Church’s Committee led in the mid-1970s to an array of restrictions and limitations being placed on the CIA and the FBI with respect to their gathering of intelligence and engaging in operations against American citizens. Many still believe that these restrictions constituted an overreaction to the uncovered abuses, while many think they did not go far enough. But whatever else one may think of Church’s work in the Senate, it is now clear that he understood far better and far earlier than almost anyone else the serious danger which the Government’s ability to eavesdrop on our conversations poses to the most basic concepts of privacy and liberty.

And even back in 1975, Church found the eavesdropping and other information-gathering capabilities of the then-relatively primitive NSA to be particularly alarming:

Thirty years ago, Senator Frank Church, the Idaho Democrat who was then chairman of the select committee on intelligence, investigated the agency and came away stunned.

"That capability at any time could be turned around on the American people," he said in 1975, "and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter. There would be no place to hide."

He added that if a dictator ever took over, the N.S.A. "could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back."

And as the Government’s technological prowess has advanced by orders of magnitude since then, its power to monitor all aspects of our communications has as well:

At the time, the agency had the ability to listen to only what people said over the telephone or wrote in an occasional telegram; they had no access to private letters. But today, with people expressing their innermost thoughts in e-mail messages, exposing their medical and financial records to the Internet, and chatting constantly on cellphones, the agency virtually has the ability to get inside a person's mind.

This is why the NSA lawbreaking scandal matters so much. That the Federal Government can eavesdrop on all of our communications -- literally, every communication, in every form -- is a truly awesome power. Its potential for abuse -- serious, incomparable abuse –- is self-evident, or at least it ought to be.

Distrust of politicians and Government officials is not a hallmark of unhealthy paranoia. To the contrary, it used to be a defining American characteristic regardless of party affiliation or ideology. Our nation was borne of the premise that the most serious threat to liberty was an excessively powerful Federal Government. And because of this characteristically American distrust of government, the country’s founding was based on the promise of a severely limited Federal Government. The principal purpose of the Constitutional was to limit the extent to which the Federal Government can abridge our liberty and intrude into our lives.

The risk that the Government will abuse its ability to eavesdrop on American citizens is not a theoretical one. The 1960s and 1970s were replete with examples of such abuses, many of which Church’s Committee uncovered, and FISA itself was the by-product of a consensus among the Congress, the Executive, and the intelligence community as to what limitations and safeguards were necessary in order to allow the Government to engage in necessary surveillance while ensuring that those powers would not be abused and that the privacy of American citizens would be preserved.

That consensus, as embodied by FISA, required judicial oversight on the exercise by the Executive of these awesome powers, and it has been the framework under which numerous Administrations, both Republican and Democrat, have effectively operated in order to engage in intelligence-gathering. It is all of this that was whimsically discarded – secretly, deceitfully and deliberately – by the Bush Administration.

We are not talking about technical violations of the law which have little impact. Nor are we talking about law-breaking scandals – such as Watergate or Monica Lewinsky – which involved illegal conduct by our highest government officials originating in relatively petty acts of dishonesty.

Instead, the law which has been so blatantly and lawlessly disregarded by the Administration is the only one which serves as a safeguard against the most privacy-threatening power which the Government has – the power to monitor and invade all aspects of our communications. That is the power which the Bush Administration has claimed for itself, to wield unilaterally and with no oversight, and to expand dramatically in ways that still remain a secret to everyone except for itself.

This country recognized the grave danger which Government eavesdropping entails, and for that reason sought to ensure almost three decades ago – with Congressional enactment of FISA – that all three branches of the Government would participate in how that power was exercised, particularly when it came to the private communications of American citizens. That solution is a reflection of the premise of our country that abuses of power are best averted by diffusing power among the three branches, and it is that solution which the Bush Administration’s secret violations of FISA, and unilateral and dramatic expansion of this eavesdropping power, intentionally destroys.

Once Governments get their hands on a particular power, they don’t give it back without a huge struggle. The power which the Bush Administration has now seized for itself – the power to listen to all of our communications, without safeguards or oversight, and in complete secrecy – is a power that has limitless potential for abuse. We have arrived at the point in this scandal where we will see whether Americans will allow the Bush Administration to get away with this lawless annexation of this immense eavesdropping power, and to wield it with no oversight against American citizens. If so, it really means nothing less than the willingness on the part of Americans, in the name of fear of terrorism, to cede any vestiges of privacy to the Federal Government.

UPDATE: The day after he wrote a Washington Post Op-Ed recommending that the Government expand its warrantless surveillance to "innocent people" in America as well as suspected terrorists, Federal Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner participated in an online chat, during which he ventured a guess regarding the willingness of Americans to cede to the Federal Government all privacy with regard to their communications:

I think it would be highly desirable to explain to the public the tradeoffs between security and privacy. Effective counterterrorism does entail some reduction in privacy. I don't think most people would mind the government's scrutinizing their conversations for information of potential intelligence value if they trusted the government not to misuse the information.

Is it really true that we're at the point where Americans would not mind if the Federal Government listens in on all of their conversations and reads all of their e-mails? And is it really possible that a majority of Americans will ever "trust the government not to misuse the information" it gets as a result of having the unfettered right to "scrutinize our conversations"?

The mere fact that we are even talking about whether our own Government should be able to invade all of our communications this way, let alone do so in secret and with no oversight, speaks volumes to how far the fear of terrorism has already taken us on the security-liberty continuum.

UPDATE II: Jane Hamsher discovers an eloquent tribute to the importance of privacy from an extremely unlikely source.


  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Thats been the most amazing part of this whole thing to me. First they say they only use it against Al Qaeda. Then it turns out they use it way beyond that. Now they say that they only had to outside of FISA for anti-terrorist data mining.

    And no matter what they say about how they used it, we believe them and then debate that. No matter what, they did this in secret and against the law. Why should we beleive them about anything?

    And even if they did it to stop terrorism, as you say, is this really a power we want to give the gov't, to listen to EVERYTHING we say and do?

  2. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Well said. Cited you at The Imperial Paradox

    Politics like physics has its on rule of inertia.

  3. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Frank Church's and the democrats overly zealous reforms are a principal reason why 3,000 Americans died on 9/11. I wouldn't cite him for much these days.


  4. Frank Church's and the democrats overly zealous reforms are a principal reason why 3,000 Americans died on 9/11. I wouldn't cite him for much these days.

    People like you said that Frank Church's reforms would lead to the downfall of the U.S. The following decade, the Soviet Union disintegrated and the U.S. was standing as the world's only superpower.

    The U.S. is much stronger than screeching alarmists like you always try to depict it as being. We have never in our history had to give up our liberty and sacrifice our privacy to the Government-Daddy in order to be safe and protected, and we don't have to start now.

    And whatever the state of the intelligence community might have been as a result of Frank Church's reforms, it was good enough to produce an August 6 PDB warning of Al Qaeda's desire to strike inside the U.S., along with multiple warnings prior to that about the possibility that commercial planes would be used for such attacks.

    If you want to assign "principal" blame for the 9/11 attacks to people other than the ones who perpetrated it, you might want to start with those facts next time, rather than trying to pin it all on a Senator who has been dead for 20 years.

  5. The Government- Federal, State, Local- is using lots of "extralegal" (i.e., illegal) enforcement modalities that must be exposed...and officials must be held accountable IN COURTS OF LAW...UP THE CHAIN OF COMMAND.

    I believe PEOPLE will DEMAND THIS.

  6. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Frank Church almost single-handedly destroyed the United States. The fact that he's being dragged out of his grave to be the mouthpiece for the left shows exactly where these complaints against Bush are coming from.

  7. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I couldn't stay quiet after reading the lack of concern over violating my 4th Amendment rights by Judge Posner. I am not a lawyer but it just seems crazy to me that I am supposed to give up my rights, without any oversight of abuse, to our government. I believed that we had a system of checks and balances so I would not have to rely on the good intentions of men, their intentions were verifiable. Now we are supposed to go by the "trust me" theory of government because that will make me safe.
    Has someone suspended the constitution? Am I being told that I am under more danger than I was during the Cold War? And if we are in that much danger that we are to give up our rights, shouldn't all of us be working 24/7 to stop this menace? Life shouldn't be going on as normal if we are under such a grave threat that we must sacrifice our system of government to keep ourselves safe. What I see is a situtation like every despot has used throughout time--I must have all these unchecked powers to keep you safe.
    What has happened to us?

  8. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Oh, Judge "Gunpowder Program in Law & Economics" Posner of Straussian U? He's on the side of Big Brother? Whoda thunk!

  9. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Mr. Greenwald said:

    People like you said that Frank Church's reforms would lead to the downfall of the U.S. The following decade, the Soviet Union disintegrated and the U.S. was standing as the world's only superpower.

    That happened in spite of the Church/democrat permanently paranoid reforms, and such an analogy is really funny coming from the side of the fence that opposed every single thing that Reagan did to make that happen. Your side sought to impose a nuclear freeze that would have kept the USSR in existence; your side opposed the defense build up by Reagan that percipitated the USSR bankruptcy; your side made fun of Reagan for being stupid and not nuanced enough when he said "tear down this wall". Had your side been in charge in the 1980's there would still be a USSR today, and who knows what portions of our sovereignty you would have gladly surrendered.

    Mr. Greenwald said:
    The U.S. is much stronger than screeching alarmistsd

    Said without even the slightest touch of irony, given your current hysterics and paranoid delusions over the country becoming a Nazi regime because of the virtually theoretical only loss of some liberty interest that's got you screaming the sky is falling the sky is falling.

    Mr. Greenwald said:
    And whatever the state of the intelligence community might have been as a result of Frank Church's reforms, it was good enough to produce an August 6 PDB warning of Al Qaeda's desire to strike inside the U.S.

    The Church reforms single handedly gutted our human intelligence over the next 2 decades, and left us blind and uninformed when it came to Al Qaeda, WMD's, you name it. The Church reforms and other paranoid inspired democrat legislation left the country in the ridiculous position of not being able to connect the dots because of liberal inspired artificial walls and the left's criminalization of the practice of protecting the country.

    Like I said quoting Church as proposition for something these days, is not the way to persuade any Republican or virtually any independent, and even some democrats.

    Instead I'd be thinking of Bill Kristol's words today, about how the left is sliding into a fever swamp of irrelevancy over the President doing that which Judge Posner said he was morally and constitutionally compelled to do... Protect US.

