Tuesday, April 25, 2006

How Would a Patriot Act? -- the release

(updated below - and again)

The release date for my book -- How Would a Patriot Act? Defending American Values from a President Run Amok -- is still a little more than two weeks away (May 15), but the book is now available for pre-ordering on Amazon. Robust pre-orders can apparently be quite critical in generating attention and visibility for the book. For that reason, we are beginning this week to encourage anyone who intends to buy the book to pre-order as many copies as you intend to obtain from Amazon.

I am genuinely very happy with the content of the book. Writing a book is a much more collaborative process (in both the good and bad senses) than I had realized -- there are disputes with the editor, conflicts with the publisher, and all sorts of struggles to figure out whose input should be listened to and whose should be disregarded. But ultimately, both the creative editing and the line editing processes made the book much more compelling and much better-written than it would have been without all of that.

John Dean -- who made a point of refusing to say anything about the book until he had read the manuscript in its entirety -- provided this blurb:

Glenn Greenwald has assembled a devastating bill of particulars against the Bush and Cheney administration's insistence on operating outside the rule of law. He has gathered solid information and marshaled a litany of abuses of power that make Richard Nixon's imperial presidency look timid. All thinking Americans must answer How Would A Patriot Act? this coming election, and those who ignore what Greenwald has to say act at our collective peril.

- John W. Dean
Former Nixon White House Counsel and
author of Conservatives Without Conscience

There are many other recommendations like that for the book -- including from Arianna Huffington, Joe Wilson, Simon Rosenberg, Markos Moulitsas, Atrios, and many others.

What I hope will be the book's principal impact is to cast a very bright light on the fact that all of these Bush administration scandals which are always discussed in isolation -- lawless detentions, secret prisons, the use of torture, illegal eavesdropping, etc. -- are merely symptoms of a profound political crisis which our country faces, brought about by the fact that this administration has adopted radical theories of power whereby the President literally and expressly claims the right to act without restraint, including those imposed by law. The powers seized by this president are exactly those powers about which the founders most urgently and explicitly warned, and which they sought, first and foremost, to prevent.

A substantial portion of the book is devoted to highlighting the ways in which the administration has used rank fear-mongering and an endless exploitation of the terrorist threat to attempt to obscure and justify these abuses. Those manipulative tactics have not only enabled them to embrace these most un-American powers right out in the open, but they are also threatening to alter, perhaps irreversibly, our national character.

Perhaps most importantly, the book documents the fact that even when all other intended checks on government excesses fail -- when the media, the Congress and the courts are co-opted or are otherwise neutralized -- Americans always have the ability, inherent in our system of government, to put a stop to abuses and excesses, provided they choose to exercise that power. But to do so, it is necessary that it first be understood just how radical and dangerous our government has become under this administration, and making the case that we have arrived at exactly that point is the primary purpose of the book.

Because the book does not have behind it the huge publicity-generating machines used by corporate publishers, we are relying on more creative ways to generate attention for the book. One of the book's most potent assets is that there are so many people, including regular readers of this blog and other blogs, passionately committed to its ideas and objectives.

When I asked several months ago if anyone would be interested in volunteering to help with research for the book, the response was really overwhelming -- I received hundreds of e-mails offering to help from physicians, lawyers, graduate school professors, teachers, military professionals, police officers, retired people, students and scores of others. Unbeknownst to the media and (seemingly) to the Democratic Party, this administration has created an urgent desire to take a stand in a huge number of people who have not been previously inclined towards political activism. But there are very few vehicles which provide an outlet for that energy.

A blog reader/marketing expert has volunteered to develop and coordinate blog-based efforts to create attention for the book, and if you are interested in helping with that -- and the more, the better -- please e-mail me and I will forward the e-mail to the publisher and to the blog reader. If you have marketing expertise or knowledge and want to help with that, please also e-mail me.

Many books which are independently published find large audiences, even making it onto national best-seller lists, as a result of individuals who publicize the book on their own -- by recommending it on their individual e-mail lists, online groups, etc. Those efforts can be more potent than the conventional publishing world publicity campaigns, so efforts of that sort are definitely encouraged.

Writing posts of this type -- about the blog, about projects like this -- are always the most difficult for me. Marketing and publicity campaigns are not my passion, to put it mildly, and having to promote one's own work can be particularly unpleasant and uncomfortable. But finding ways to put a stop to this administration and its truly threatening excesses has become my passion, along with many other people, and engaging in efforts to ensure that the book finds as large an audience as possible is as important in achieving that goal as was writing the book itself.

I have said many times here -- long before the idea for this book even existed -- that the only thing which I believe can truly derail the administration and preserve the core political values on which our country was founded is for Americans to be informed about what this administration is really doing. I believe that if they realize just how extremist and undemocratic the administration has become, they will not tolerate it. I think anyone who participates in the blogosphere believes that, too, since that is ultimately the defining attribute of blogs -- the belief that citizens can change the lowly state of our political system by circumventing the media and governmental institutions and communicating directly to other people.

Demonstrating to Americans how radical and lawless this administration has become is not difficult -- the undisputed facts make the case by themselves. But the national media barely discusses these issues at all, let alone highlights them. For that reason, I've been arguing that there is no more important objective than persuading Americans of the profound crisis our country faces as a result of this administration's radical theories of its own power. That is the objective that motivated this book, but that can happen only if the book finds as large of an audience as possible beyond the blog world.

UPDATE: Regarding the motivations for undertaking the extensive work involved with daily blogging, pursuing projects like this book, etc., Jane Hamsher last night -- in a very impassioned post regarding the always-staggering fact that the United States government under this administration has systematically and deliberately tortured people -- perfectly described the dynamic that motivates people to act:

I don’t know many in the liberal blogosphere whose advertising revenues generated in the free market (as opposed to the wingnut welfare system) even pay for the maintenance of their sites, and those very few whose sites cover their costs could inarguably be making much more money doing something else.

But there is something so deeply wrong and at such dissonance between the country we grew up to believe in and what this government is now engaged in that its unspoken presence informs every post, every word, even the decision to get up every morning and turn on the computer. To sit back and do nothing while this happens is unthinkable for anyone who genuinely believes in this country and the principles upon which it was founded.

Most of the people from whom I received e-mails offering to help with the book, and most people from whom I receive e-mails about this blog generally, are not partisan or intensely political people. Quite the contrary; most of them have been relatively apolitical or non-ideological for a long time, and have become galvanized only by the purely genuine and deeply felt horror over what our country is becoming under the lawless and morally limitless movement that has governed our country for the last five years. Those reactions are driven by pure passion and they provide ample motivation to act.

UPDATE II: Just from today alone, the book has moved up to #40 on Amazon's best seller list -- annoyingly enough, right below Fox News' Andrew Napolitano's book "The Constitution in Exile," but (at least) right above "Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss". It is the top-selling not-yet-released book on the list. The list of books #26-50 are here. My book may move from that page if it moves up or down; its current number is always reflected on the book page itself, which is here. (UPDATE: It is now at #30 #24 #16 #12 #5 #3). The list of # 1-25 is here.

That is exactly the kind of push that can create a lot of opportunities for visibility for this book -- so thank you to those who ordered it, and for those who are considering doing so, your pre-ordering it can really help maximize the impact which this book can have on our ongoing political debates.

UPDATE III: The inimitable Digby, who read the manuscript for the book shortly before it was finalized, has written a review of the book, which -- as one would expect -- is a review highly worth reading on its own.


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    It sounds great. I think this book can be a very important blow for our liberties. Congrats!

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Just bought 2, one for me and one for my friend who works for the NSA. Maybe you'll get a big order from them. Ya never know.

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Glen Greenwald's first Crisis Paper. Good luck, Glenn. I think it will be an active seller, without the bulk buys for $1 giveaways like the Regnery crap they flog at FrontPage and other misinformation mills. People want to hear this now. They need to hear this now.

  4. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Well, the "copy and paste" trolls here would proclaim that one third of America should be able to enforce their will on the majority.

    Chimpy has declared he is the "dictator" (he misspoke and said "decider") and that the "voices" he hears do not matter.

    The more unpopular the chimperor comes, the more they will spy on Americans, steal elections by illegally disenfranchising voters and using vote-flipping software.

    Evidently, the repugs want us to believe that REAL patriots are super-rich thieves, corrupt politicians, or sheeple that allow the culture of corruption to continue.

    I never read our regular trolls posts, just scroll by. It is amazing that they come here to lecture us on patriotism and democracy while representing a fringe minority.

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    It's paradox on a new apple, hence the anonymous login.

    I just pre-ordered the book on Amazon. I'll read the post now. Thank you very much for all the work.

  6. I just bought 6, like Crashing the Gate I'll be taking one down to my local library and putting one in the local coffee shop. Question, is this going to come out in audio? Fantasy # 1, Rove listening to it on the way to WH and crashing over curb or on his way to Federal Courthouse. Good luck to you and to all of us.

  7. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Congratulations, Mr. Greenwald, on finishing your book.
    Many commenters here do not realize that they are locked away in a liberal cocoon, safe from the real world. No wait a minute, if Mr. Greenwald is to be believed, no one in America is safe. Not even George Bush, who will be “brought to justice” after May 15th when everone reads...well, you know. Anyway, while you all have been either 1) exulting in how Bush is going to get his, or 2) despairing over his “getting away with it”, those nasty folks who ignored the Greenwald campaign for impeachment have been busy. You are not the only ones waiting for upcoming publications. They don’t have new facts yet, but they are licking their lips. Dare you read ...The Coming Storm for Democrats?
    !! CAUTION!! RIGHT WING SITE. Not for the faint of heart.
    “...this summer is going to be a bad one for ... Democrats, the beginning of the end is the discovery of Mary O. McCarthy and her acts of treason....I doubt that she will actually see trial as she will most likely squeal and squeal loudly...Mary is only the beginning ..."
    Just a Winger crackkpot? Well, there’s another:

    1. The long standing investigation into Senator Jay (meet me in Syria) Rockefeller, Senator Dick Durbin, Ron Wyden, and three others is coming to a close. Notice that in today's news Rockefeller's statements are absent as are Durbin's. Sources say to expect a conclusion by the end of May.

    2. The Iraq Documents recovered after the war began are beginning to tell the real story of the link between Saddam and Bin Laden. This in itself is huge and the left and the MSM knows it... the Bush administration is about to pull some trump cards on certain key editors and journalists who are - "itchy" to 'make a deal' and actually cover the story in a positive and informative light after all.”
    Bluster and hopeful speculation? Better hope so.

  8. It would be my pleasure to pre-order,, Glenn. Say, you going to do any book-signings?

    -- Your secret admired and humble servant

  9. Anonymous12:01 PM

    congratulations and thanks for making the (extensive ) effort on short notice.

  10. "notherbob2" vomits out some RW foamer site that has this little gem:

    Her [Mary McCarthy's] capture is key because of her connections to other key democrats.



  11. Anonymous12:09 PM

    John Dean's endorsement adds a lot of credence to your work in my eyes.

    Good luck.

  12. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Writing posts of this type -- about the blog, about projects like this -- are always the most difficult for me. Marketing and publicity campaigns are not my passion, to put it mildly, and having to promote one's own work can be particularly unpleasant and uncomfortable.

    AHA! So self promotion makes you feel dirty! Treat it like work - horribly necessary work.

    I, I can see into the near future - it...it's a panel discussion with Glenn being repeatedly interrupted by Ms. Right herself; she's so Godfull...and all you can do is hate Amyrrhica out of spite. I bet you even oppose forced conversion to Christianity...for shame Glenn, for shame.

    Next city - next panel. O'Really is promoting 'The Factor for Iraqis' - and you are assigned the role of Lent-hater #1. Topic A) - Bush haters - Jealous of his success or just intolerant toward Islam? Topics B) & C) - Iranian appeasement - Do liberals have a lack of resolve, or just feelings of inadequacy, sexual or otherwise?

    CNN calls - Sibila Vargas suggests that you only want to take advantage of the GOP's unpopularity for monetary gain. He is, you know, our President. Glenn sheepishly admits his ulterior motives, begs forgiveness, and assumes the spot next to Wolf; from here on he wull be known as 'Darth Notherbob3'.

  13. notherbob2:

    Just a Winger crackkpot?...

    Why, yes, you're quite right. :-)(

    Well, there’s another:

    Ummmm, Glenn pointed that out two posts (and a day) back. Please do try to keep up.

    Now that you've spewed, do please try and stay on topic, 'kay?


  14. Anonymous12:11 PM

    From notherbob2 at 11:59AM:

    "Many commenters here do not realize that they are locked away in a liberal cocoon, safe from the real world."

    Odd, I thought we were addressing real-world issues and their consequences here.

    You mean the Iraq disaster isn't really happening in the 'real world'? The US isn't running 'black sites' in Eastern Europe? President Bush isn't breaking the letter or spirit of US law?

    My word. Sounds like a wonderful place, this 'real world'. Pray, tell us how to get there!

  15. Anonymous12:15 PM

    notherbob2 spewed... blah blah blah...
    You forgot about the impending indictments of Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame for treason....

  16. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Actually, Anonymous, I think one of the sites I linked hinted at that possibility...

  17. Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words - there is going to be some sort of book tour, but those are all being worked out now and I will post the dates as they get confirmed.

  18. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Just preordered mine.... Keep up the great work Glenn!

  19. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Dr. Bonzo said...
    Comes now the most important question: Does Glenn get to appear on The Daily Show to flog the book?

    Seriously, my thought exactly.

    notherbob2 projectile regurgitated pea soup colored vomit...
    Actually, Anonymous, I think one of the sites I linked hinted at that possibility...

    What are the odds of that? Not that they will be indicted, but that peculiar oxymoron Macsmind would predict such a stunningly unlikely development.I think I found macsmind's old unit.

    People, hide your goats.

  20. Good luck with the book, Glenn. I'm pre-ordering it after this comment and sending a link to your post to everyone in my email list (yes, even my born-again, Red State brother.

    Can't wait to get the book and read it. And I would be interested in an audio version too.

  21. Some suggestions for what you can do to promote Glenn's book:

    1) Write a review of the book and send it to your local newspaper. Alternative newspapers are most open to reviews from new writers, but more traditional papers can be persuaded to either run your review or get a regular reviewer to write it up--depending on how persistent you are.

    Don't be put off by doubts that you can't write a review. Just think about those book reviews you had to write for class!

    2) Write letters to the editor citing the main points of Glenn's book. Be sure to cite it by title and author.

    3) Take advantage of the email forwarding function at Amazon.com. Forward the book description to as many friends, acquaintances, etc. you can think of.

    4) Find an online review of the book (when one shows up) and forward it to friends, acquaintances, etc.

    I am sure this just skims the surface of tactics to get this book in front of people, but it's a start.

  22. Anonymous12:50 PM


    I see John Dean left off his signature line "CONVICTED FELON; FEDERAL PRISON INMATE #0053246167; LIAR; AND DISBARRED LAWYER".

    So much for truth and full disclosure and your books blurbs.

    Can we count on the same amount of fairness and full disclosure as is found in John Dean's signature line for the rest of the book???

    Says the "Dog"

  23. Anonymous12:52 PM

    It's paradox again, I gave your book a shout in a kos diary.

    [shrugs] It was something, anyway.

  24. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I'll be buying your book, and probably sending it to people as a gift HOWEVER, I won't be buying it from amazon. Here's why:


    Yeah, I'm one of those awful union people, you know, from the disappearing middle class. You know, the one's betrayed by the centrist democrats. Sorry, back on point, if you scroll down from Amazon's lousy ratings you'll see Barnes and Noble is a much more progressive establishment. I don't fault you for selling on Amazon but you need to know you're sleeping with the enemy when you do so.

  25. Anonymous12:59 PM


    And yet, a similar signature won't keep Randy "Duke" Cunningham from getting his nice fat federal pension, on your tax dollar. Does that make you howl? At least John Dean makes an honest living now.

  26. Cynic Librarian - those are great, thanks.

    Paradox - I appreciate that very much.

    All of the opportunities re: shows and appearances are pretty much determined by how much buzz and attention the book generates as it is released.

    Dog - All I can ask is that you talk like that as much as possible. It can help not only the book, but our country.

  27. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I see John Dean left off his signature line "CONVICTED FELON; FEDERAL PRISON INMATE #0053246167; LIAR; AND DISBARRED LAWYER"

    Dean is perfectly qualified then for a job in the Bush Administration, right alongside Elliot Abrams, John Poindexter, and former alcoholic (at least) George Bush.

  28. Anonymous1:03 PM

    It's paradox again, I gave your book a shout in a kos diary.

    One thing that would help: Anyone with a KOS NAME, go and recommend paradox's dairy to keep it on the Kos front page.

  29. "the dog" sez:

    I see John Dean left off his signature line "CONVICTED FELON; FEDERAL PRISON INMATE #0053246167; LIAR; AND DISBARRED LAWYER".

    So did John Negroponte and Otto Reich, on their maladministration bios. At least Dean had a conscience and fessed up to his misdeeds.

    Then again, that's ignoring the rather salient point that when Dean was doing his dirty work, he was in the emply of Dubya The Crook's predecessor, the Republican president Nixon, who, until Dubya stumbled along, was known for having one of the crookedest administrations ever (although Reagan wasn't too far behind, with over 100 administration officials indicted, investigated, and/or resigning under a cloud of impropriety).


  30. A point about contacting the media: always target your communication with them as close to the source as possible. That is, if you want the books editor at a newspaper to review glenn's book, be sure you get an email or phone call to THE Editor.

    Generic and non-specifically addressed communications with these news outlets get filed in the round file quite easily, since they're usually overwhelmed with such requests. This another reason why you might want to follow an email up with a phone call. Continue this in non-harassing way until they run a review.

    Further suggestion:

    6) Start/join a reading group. Include Glenn's book on the reading list.

    7) Write the top Sunday morning news shows asking that they consider Glenn as a guest/commentator. Again, remember the comments above about targeting the person who makes the decision about these guests/commentators.

  31. Anonymous1:15 PM

    If Atrios plugs the book, as I'm sure he will, and Jane, and the Kossacks buy it as well, your pre-release sales should go thru the roof just like with the Dixie chicks CD. Your going to get buzz. You thought you were busy before, just wait. The Dog has had four comments on his blog so far this year. Two of them his.

  32. Anonymous1:24 PM


    Preordered one copy about a week ago. I am going to take up the suggestion to preorder another one for my library.

  33. Anonymous1:38 PM

    "the Dog" said...

    I see John Dean left off his signature line "CONVICTED FELON; FEDERAL PRISON INMATE #0053246167; LIAR; AND DISBARRED LAWYER".

    Lo Verily,

    Thus Speaketh The DOG
    translation--Thus yaps The Puppy
    (His signature signoff is a howl)

    Arne pointed out:

    Then again, that's ignoring the rather salient point that when Dean was doing his dirty work, he was in the employ of Dubya-The-Crook's predecessor, the Republican president Nixon,

    I was laughing when I read "the doag's" reminder about Dean. Can he possibly not know that Dean committed his crimes only when he still believed in doing things "The Republican Way," (which ignores lttle inconveniences-- like The Law.)

    It's mindlessness like "the doag's" that let's me sleep well knowing that even though these guys present the biggest threat to our way of life the republic has ever known, they're not the brightest bulbs on the tree.

  34. Anonymous1:40 PM

    And i ordered enough copies to hand out to evrybody i know

  35. Good luck with your book Glenn. May it inspire the Dems to campaign on the issues which you raise.

    This is one argument I would love to have in November.

  36. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Glen, with everybody adding Amazon links for this book, could your publisher make it available for preordering at Powells?

    Just look at whom Amazon PAC contributes to.

  37. Anonymous2:22 PM

    "notherbob2 said...
    ...those nasty folks who ignored the Greenwald campaign for impeachment have been busy. You are not the only ones waiting for upcoming publications. They don’t have new facts yet, but they are licking their lips. Dare you read ...The Coming Storm for Democrats?
    !! CAUTION!! RIGHT WING SITE. Not for the faint of heart."

    The "not for the faint of heart" RW website might better be termed "not for the rational of mind."

    I love how they dismiss Joe Wilson as being a "Clinton appointee," when his career in the diplomatic services began in 1976. (And Bush,Sr. called him a hero for facing down Saddam in the clinch.)

    They also seem to think Ms. Plame cooked up the Niger forgery as a nefarious scheme to bring down the Bush presidency. It's not clear from their vague syntax if they think she actually was instrumental in the CREATION of the forged Niger document, or if her involvement in this conspiracy to bring down the government was limited to being a contact person between the CIA and Ambassador Wilson.

    It's also telling how these paranoids can turn legal and admirable acts of citizenship--donating to candidates and political parties one supports--into evidence of treason and conspiracy. Of course, it reveals that, in their mind, to support the Democrats is itself tantamount to treason.

    Nice bunch of (coco)nuts you got there, 'notherbob!

  38. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Assuming your book contains the same high quality of writing and acuity that I regularly find in your blog posts, then the $12 I just spent is a bargain.


  39. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I just ordered ten copies of your book. I consider it a very small gesture of appreciation, but one that is well deserved for your work on this blog.

    With that as a preface,

    Anything worth saying about the predicament we find ourselves in as a nation should be shouted from the rooftops, not sequestered behind the old walls and ways. The contradiction between a true constitutional and moral crisis and selling a book leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I am very aware of the need to eat and survive in the "real" world but I believe we find ourselves at this crossroad because we lack any will for sacrifice. What percentage cut do we need to save the world?

    The printed word, the book tour and the punditry class are already dead. The light of this revelation has only reached a few but it travels very fast. Those are the old ways that brought us here to begin with. There should be a link on your blog to a free download of your book in PDF. Without it your work will become relegated to the unindexed and unsearchable ornaments of the coffee table. I realize that your publisher would have a heart attack but that reason alone makes it a worthwhile endeavor.

    I wish to close with the very real and uncomfortable knowledge that I am only using you as a mirror to my own shortcomings and weakness and I wish to apologize for that without the taint of a bribe.

    I have a deep sincere sense of appreciation for the work and sacrifice you have made here.

    Thank you.

  40. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Idea for your Web marketer person -

    Stand and be Counted. Web sign up through jump page from UC for readers to commit to selling X# (level it at say 3, 5, 10, 15+) copies to friends, contacts, associates. Need some kind of tracking numbers - like Bush's Rangers and Pioneers (but without the leg irons). So, I could go to UC, link through to my tracking page, enter in my info and update when I actually confirm sales for others.

    So if you manage 3, you go on some sort of honor roster on UC. 5 and Glenn signs your copy if you send it to him SASE. 10 and you go on an honor list in the second edition. 15+ and Oh i don't know Glenn takes you out for dinner at Signatures. You get the idea. Very rough sketch here of course...

    Bowers always complains that the bsphere is all talk and no action - to hell with that! We're proud to stand and be counted with Glenn Greenwald. We can sell for Glenn - just, Lord, let him keep writing and fighting.

    Agree with the Powell's suggestion.

  41. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Thelastnamechosen writes: Those are the old ways that brought us here to begin with. There should be a link on your blog to a free download of your book in PDF. Without it your work will become relegated to the unindexed and unsearchable ornaments of the coffee table.

    Uh, no. Let's set aside that the publisher would not and should not agree to that. Glenn’s book needs a chance to climb to the top of Amazon and the NYT bestseller list, or as close as possible, so that it generates attention and puts him in demand at, say, C-Span Booknotes and elsewhere, and is reviewed where it deserves to be reviewed. A pdf file freely downloadable would make his book easily ignorable by precisely those forces who can ignite popular interest outside of the blogosphere. This discussion of Executive cum monarch absolutely must move beyond blogs, and the book is the vehicle to get it there, but not if it is just another file at some web sites.

    I really could not disagree with you more.

  42. Okay. I pre-ordered one copy.

    ::Shipping estimate for these items: May 19, 2006
    Delivery estimate: May 23, 2006 - May 25, 2006
    1 "How Would a Patriot Act? Defending American Values from a President Run Amok"
    Glenn Greenwald; Paperback; $12.00
    Sold by:Amazon.com ::

    Thanks for writing it.

  43. What's the deal about pre-ordering today versus then? Would it be helpful to you if I canceled my existing pre-order and re-submitted a new pre-order.

    I don't think it makes a difference. I know that a lot of people from this blog already pre-ordered before today and meant to include a thank you for that, but forgot.

    The book is already up to # 101 for all books on Amazon just from the buying today - I think the idea is to get a big buying spurt for a few days before it's released so it gets noticed by Amazon, book buyers, reviewers, etc.

  44. Anonymous3:58 PM

    The book is up to #40 now.

  45. I read your blog every single day. Can't wait to read the book. I've plugged it in my humble diary too, for what little that is worth. What is heartening is that the CW is turning our way, that people understand the incredible physical, psychological, political and civic damage this administration has wrought on America and, yes, the world. The question remain now, what happens when they leave... I hope your book talks about re-inventing government in a post-Bush era. (That's my hobby horse of late...I guess.)

  46. Following up on a ender's last comment:

    8) Contact your local mega-bookstore, as well as small bookstores, and ask them to stock Glenn's book. Those in major markets might also wish to coordinate a book-signing thru these stores. Believe me, the stores are more open to this idea than you think.

    NOTE Many of these bookstores also sponsor book reading groups. You could get on their schedule, running a reading group of Glenn's book. Maybe title it Threat to Democracy: The War on the Constitution by the Bush Administration or some such catchy title.

  47. Up to #30 on the Amazon top-seller list.

    BTW, still think it might have been nice to soft-pedal it just a bit on the cover:

    How Would a Patriot Act? Defending American Values from an Executive Branch Run Amok

    Framing, yaknow. The issue is generic, and while exhibited in spades by the Doofus-In-Chief we have now, maybe some of the folks teetering in their support for Dubya might pick it up and learn something if it didn't (deservedly) bash Commander Codpiece head-on.

    But just my two cents worth of MMQ, nonetheless glad to see it up there. People should take notice!


  48. How Would a Patriot Act? Defending American Values from an Executive Branch Run Amok

    As I said, one has less control over things like this than you might think. I had to fight and fight and fight (as did Jennifer) to keep the words "King George" out of the title or subtitle - after that, I fought very hard to have "President" replaced with "Presidency" - to at least make the title less personal - but that was a fight I lost. But trust me, given the original, extremely inflammatory proposals that came very close to being imposed, I was very happy with the end result, comparatively speaking.

  49. Good luck, I hope the book sells well.

    I'm about to write a book too, a work of fiction, though. :)

  50. Glenn:

    As I said, one has less control over things like this than you might think. I had to fight and fight and fight (as did Jennifer) to keep the words "King George" out of the title or subtitle....

    LOL!!! Glad you gave it a try ... but on any morning I rose on the wrong side of the bed, I might well have been exhorting you to put those words in ... (as if one couldn't tell my baser instincts from my posts here).

    I'm sure we're on the same page, Glenn. And you can take off the gloves as you wish when you do your Daily Show appearance too, with my full approbation.


  51. Oh, yeah, and if you get to the Ess Eff bay area, see if you can do an appearance at Kepler's Books in Palo Alto (as well as the fine stores in Ess Eff itself). Kepler's is a fine old book store with a loyal clientele, under assault from the on-line and chain stores for the mass offerings of pablum most folks read, but still holding its own with its fine alternative selection and its customer base.


  52. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Those manipulative tactics have not only enabled them to embrace these most un-American powers right out in the open, but they are also threatening to alter, perhaps irreversibly, our national character.

    Just so.

    You have a remarkable talent for seeing what is important and for making just the right point, with precision, verve, power and economy of expression. Your arguments deserve the widest publicity. Am very much looking forward to the book.

  53. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I come from a labor background and I don't shop at Amazon. Except today. In my opinion, nothing is more important than fighting the degradation of our Constitutional rights. Everything else follows from them, including labor rights. Buying the book through Amazon is a way to get it noticed by a wider audience and that makes it worth it to me...just this once.

  54. Anonymous5:46 PM

    It's #24 now!!!

  55. Anonymous6:01 PM

    There should be a link on your blog to a free download of your book in PDF. Without it your work will become relegated to the unindexed and unsearchable ornaments of the coffee table.

    After Glenn gets paid for his hard work, and his publishers take their cut, if he wants to do that, he should. Ted Nace does it with his book Gangs of America:
    The Rise of Corporate Power and the Disabling of Democracy
    . (Shameless plug for other author)If he doesn't wish to, that's his right. What are we, socialists?

  56. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Glenn Said:

    Dog - All I can ask is that you talk like that as much as possible. It can help not only the book, but our country.

    (smile), Glad to help. You are known by the company you keep and books are known by the felons who endorse them.

    I did omit Dean's role as a "snitch" and "rat fink" as old blue eyes might have said. Felon, snitch, rat fink, disbarred lawyer. He's got every qualification that Bill Clinton has today.

    Good luck with your book. I hope every democrat politician at every level in the country reads it, memorizes it, has the honesty to campaign on it and the thoughts you express here every week. Now THAT would be good for the country.

    Says the "Dog"

  57. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Sounds like our "copy and paste" troll is "whistling past the graveyard."

    Yup, chimpy said, "bring it on" too....

    I 32% too 32% am 32% looking 32% forward 32% too 32% November 32% and 32% an 32% opportunity 32% to 32% hold 32% the 32% culture 32% of 32% corruption 32% and 32% treasonous 32% war 32% criminals.

  58. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Dog writes: Good luck with your book. I hope every democrat politician at every level in the country reads it, memorizes it, has the honesty to campaign on it and the thoughts you express here every week. Now THAT would be good for the country.

    I believe that you really think of yourself as a patriotic American. Assuming you would feel unprincipled in paying for a copy of Glenn's book, I would strongly encourage him to give copies to you and a few others like you, and ask you to read it with an open mind. If you could do that, I think you might be surprised at the assessment you might reach.

    BTW. Chuck Colson and a whole slew of other Watergate and Iran-Contra felons -- pardoned and otherwise -- are regularly trotted out for book blurbs and as speakers at various conservative and GOP events. Nixon was pardoned and wrote quite a few provocative and interesting books afterwards, and was widely interviewed about them. His sins ands crimes notwithstanding, he had some insightful things to say. Perhaps particularly because of them.

  59. I'm one of the four people that helped Glenn research for the book. I read the rough draft, and it was good. I know how much work went into the final product, and I'm sure it's really great. With Glenn's permission, I'll write a pre-review based on the final manuscript on my own blog after final exams are over next week.

    I agree with the people that were discussing how important it will be to get on the Daily Show. Another important forum is Oprah; literally millions of women worship everything she says, and she wields enourmous influence over what they buy and read.

  60. Anonymous8:08 PM

    disenchanted dave says...Another important forum is Oprah; literally millions of women worship everything she says, and she wields enourmous influence over what they buy and read.

    This is true, and thank you for the work you have done, Dave. I just wonder if Oprah will go near controversial political stuff like this. If she does, that would be a kick.

  61. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Hypatia said...I believe that you really think of yourself as a patriotic American. Assuming you would feel unprincipled in paying for a copy of Glenn's book, I would strongly encourage him to give copies to you and a few others like you, and ask you to read it with an open mind. If you could do that, I think you might be surprised at the assessment you might reach.

    There you going trying to be reasonable... The book will be read by one of the brains with an attention span. The rebuttals and talking points will be diseminated to the drones like Dog.

  62. Anonymous8:15 PM


    Thank you for your reply. I probably wasn't clear with this point but the selling of physical goods and the free distribution of that underlying digital content are not mutually exclusive ideas. I think Glenn should be selling a physical manifestation of his work.

    My family makes all its money by the production of intellectual property. My brother's current album, hell, his whole catalogue, and my software are traded freely on peer to peer networks and usenet. His record label is not happy about it but it is the reality of the digital age. Both of us could care less and actually consider it a complement.

    If what you do is worth anything, people will pay for and people will freely copy it. The biggest insult that could be levied against Glenn's book is if nobody finds it valuable enough to liberate it from its binding with OCR and digital distribution, but that is not my role.

    I agree that the pundit ladder is climbed by Amazon rankings and NY Times numerology, I guess it just comes down to what your goals are. I would argue that, by definition, those unaware of the internet will also be unaware of a free download. I am also a hypocrite on this issue. I sell digital copies of my intellectual property and the fact that my products are aimed at a creative content industry that is flush with cash is only a flimsy excuse.

    It is hard to save the world and take a cut at the same time. Although my brother hides behind metaphor and rhythm, this is an issue that eats at his insides. I am a whore and have no illusions that my actions serve anyone but myself. What little contribution I have made to this world is dwarfed on any given day that Glenn posts an article. I am a poster child for the walking slumber that is this country.

    I can at least contribute a whore's marketing advice. Upload the book to usenet and the peer to peer networks. Don't tell your publisher. By the time your losses from piracy exceed the marketing value you will be a very rich person. Give away the first chapter of your book on the internet. The only way you will lose money is if your work sucks.

    I know it is hard to believe but you will also make more money giving away a digital copy of your work, at least in the book business. The value add of a bound copy is well worth the price of a book you like. Reading on the computer sucks. If your book is good, you will receive millions in free publicity and you will retain the credibility to strike without compromise or hesitation. It also relieves all guilt from the marketing money machine that is the modern roadshow.


    I also had to hold my nose very tightly ordering from amazon. Their patents alone are disgusting.


    I am not a socialist. I am a hardcore, cut throat capitalist and damn proud of it.

    the dog,

    The problem with John Dean is not a conviction or "betrayal." His problem is that he is a shining example of the pundit class and has not revealed even 10% of what he knows about watergate.

    If you didn't have the ability to lick your own genitals, I might say you sound jealous.

  63. Anonymous8:16 PM

    All I can say from reading the two last comments from the canine and Hypatia is that it's good to see this rift developing in the right wing base. Dog is a rabid hate-filled extremist who will go down with his bone and likely get buried with it. Good riddance.

  64. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Glenn, I just pre-ordered your book and look foward to reading it. You write:

    the only thing which I believe can truly derail the administration and preserve the core political values on which our country was founded is for Americans to be informed about what this administration is really doing. I believe that if they realize just how extremist and undemocratic the administration has become, they will not tolerate it.

    I wish I shared your optimism. I used to. Lately, though, I fear that even if people were brought face-to-face with the administration's abuses, most of them wouldn't care. I hope your book can convince me otherwise.

    Vambo Rools

  65. Anonymous8:37 PM

    anon writes: All I can say from reading the two last comments from the canine and Hypatia is that it's good to see this rift developing in the right wing base.

    I am not now and never have been part of any "right-wing base." At every point in my adult life, I've had serious political tension with both left and right, straddling both, by virtue of what I regard as a unified, principled theory of libertarianism. My principles put me in alliance with both ends of the spectrum depending on the issue, but a core part of neither.

  66. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Well, this is really great. As a matter of fact, it is more than great. It is thrilling.

    Congratulations, Glenn, said with a lot of emotion and appreciation on my part.

    It appears that the "microphone" I wrote about on the other thread can be Glenn's book, if we all do everything that is in our power, every last thing, to make sure that is the case.

    Uncomfortable as I am being an activist, I urge everyone here to buy as many copies of Glenn's book as you can possibly afford, even if you have to stash them in your garage.

    Wouldn't it be a great Victory for all of us if Glenn's book gets on the bestseller lists which would lead to him speaking on television and everyone who hasn't been paying attention to what is really going on can here it now from Glenn?

    I wish someone could set up some site where people who want to read the book but cannot afford it could be linked up to other people who would love to buy copies of the book for them to read.

    I know I would love to.

    Two other points:

    I am very impressed with John Dean as a human being, and the fact he wanted to read the entire manuscript before commenting on it is very typical of his integrity.

    Also, what makes me very proud to be a regular on this blog and among the company of the other regulars, is that, to the best of my knowledge, this is the one place which was most united in our abhorrence of torture.

    I LOVED Jane's post yesterday, and was tremendously moved when reading it, although turned off by the stupid commenters on that blog who were more concerned about being the first to write "fitz" in the comment section, in total violation of the spirit of Jane's very moving comments.

    Contrast that to here, where the one issue which probably most binds us is a very deep, profound, understanding of just how immoral and inhumane are practices like torture, murder, and illegal detainment where the detainees, most of whom are probably innocent victims of circumstance, are treated as other than human beings: lowly nothings who have no rights, nobody to speak up for them, no right not to be humiliated, and are just another dispensable throw-away, like a wrapper on a candy bar, in just another immoral war: The War against Terrorism.

    Because we all know in our hearts that when Harry Belafonte said something like "Who is the Real Terrorist?", we all knew the answer to that question.

  67. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Hey, this is a lot of fun watching the book go up the charts.

    Forgetting about everything else, it's sort of fun, like being at a racetrack.

    OK, I am going to also hold my nose and go to Amazon (the one company on the Internet I buy anything through, because my laziness overrides my principles in this case) and order another 25 copies to see if I can cheer on my horse. Sorry, Glenn, but you know what I mean :)

    Tomorrow, I will force myself to be less lazy and go to my local bookstore and ask them to order a lot of copies.

    But for right now: Gate Time!

  68. Anonymous8:55 PM

    thelastnamechosen -

    Book publishers are notoriously jealous of their publishing rights, though I don't know what Working Assets' views are on the matter.

    I also understand what you mean about increased sales when a property is available at no charge online. I worked for an organization that put all its intellectual property online and sales went through the roof.

    On the other hand, I don't see it as a big deal in regard to Glenn's book - most, if not all, of what's in the book is right here on this blog. I think he's got the best of both worlds already.

  69. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Wait just a minute here. You mean I COULD have ordered "Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss".

    Hmmm.... a simple plan?

    Conflicts. Conflicts.

    Anyway, I went with yours, Glenn :)

  70. Anonymous9:27 PM

    "Hypatia" said...

    I am not now and never have been part of any "right-wing base." At every point in my adult life, I've had serious political tension with both left and right, straddling both, by virtue of what I regard as a unified, principled theory of libertarianism. My principles put me in alliance with both ends of the spectrum depending on the issue, but a core part of neither.

    8:37 PM

    Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the right wing base?

    I will aloow that you think this, but it's not a good representation od reality. The map is not the terrain. You and I both have maps, your's is poorly draw, out of date, and grossly distorted.

    straddling both, by virtue of what I regard as a unified, principled theory of libertarianism.

    Good luck with that. It's a futile waste of time.

    My principles put me in alliance with both ends of the spectrum depending on the issue, but a core part of neither.

    We have more in common than you realize, but my principles put me squarely where I am and it's not in the center of a poorly drawn and distorted map.

  71. Anonymous9:33 PM

    thelastnamechosen said...


    I am not a socialist. I am a hardcore, cut throat capitalist and damn proud of it.

    I was being facetious. These terms, "socialist," "hardcore cutthroat capitalist" are largely meaningless today, used more as clubs to beat one another with rather than methods of communicating complex high context information

  72. Maybe someone has already suggested this, but we should have a write-in campaign or something to get Glenn interviewed on The Daily Show.

    How can this be done?

  73. Anonymous9:47 PM


    Wow, I'm impressed EWO. ;)

  74. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Says the "Dog"

    jeebus, sounds like Mideast Vet on Steve Gilliard: Marine Out

    just another right-wing bedwetter

  75. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I can't wait to get the book!

    As of 9 pm EDT, Glenn was at #5, above Freakonomics!

  76. Anonymous10:23 PM

    That's odd I went to order the book, noted it was ranked 12, put the order in, and then for no real reason checked on it's rank again and as above it had moved from #12 to #5 in no more than perhaps 15 minutes.

    I think it updates every hour, so you probably ordered at the moment when it updated.

  77. Anonymous10:30 PM

    ej said...

    Book publishers are notoriously jealous of their publishing rights, though I don't know what Working Assets' views are on the matter.

    I agree. Shamefully, I think the book industry will be the last ones to get the digital reality. The internet has done more for the written word than all of the libraries combined and all the book industry can do with this coup is to bad mouth used book sellers.

    On the other hand, I don't see it as a big deal in regard to Glenn's book - most, if not all, of what's in the book is right here on this blog. I think he's got the best of both worlds already.

    It was this thought exactly that made me hover over the publish button for a smoke or two, but this place makes me want to write things. Publish or perish, as they say.


    At the risk of beginning a long off topic diversion. The digital age has made capitalism and socialism one and the same on a certain level, although the distinction is not quite meaningless. A capitalist can give away their ideas but a socialist can never accept a tip;)

  78. Anonymous10:46 PM


    Too cool.

  79. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Hi Glenn, don't know how your publisher feels about this, but in terms of boosting Amazon sales you might consider using the "search inside the book" function, where a few scans (title page, TOC, first couple pages of intro, maybe) are made available to people who click on the book's cover on its Amazon page. I enjoy being able to do that, maybe it's just me, but who knows? I think some publishers may be sqeamish about this for copyright reasons though.

    Nice cover art by the way, and $12 is a steal if the book is anything like your excellent online writing.

  80. Anonymous10:59 PM

    #3? Ok. Enough is enough. He's about to displace as #1 Cesar's Way : The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems , and that cannot stand. It is subversive and unAmerican to attack the primary place of Fido.

    (Er, says the Dog.)

  81. Anonymous11:05 PM

    thelastnamechosen said...

    A capitalist can give away their ideas but a socialist can never accept a tip;)

    10:30 PM

    First off, when was the last time a capitalist gave away anything? Ben Franklin, and I would debate you on that. Free enterprise, sure. A capitalist by our working definiton? Not so much. He would have loved open source. Secondly, capitalist, socialist, ascetic, anybody takes what they can get, but I think you were being glib.

  82. Anonymous11:10 PM

    For clarity, I was referring to Franklin's choice to never patented any of his own numerous inventions, although he was a supporter of the rights of inventors and authors and was responsible for inserting into the United States Constitution the provision for limited-term patents and copyrights.

  83. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I agree, Hypatia. Once it hits #2, I'm logging off.

  84. Just checked Amazon and sales are soaring. FYI, you're just behind the Dog Whisperer's new book and he makes the comment that Bill O'Reilly would make a terrible pack leader as would Bush, just check out how Bush's dogs don't come when he calls ... Congratulations Glenn!

  85. Anonymous11:49 PM

    I don't comment much (except to take issue with Mona), but I can't quite join on here. April is a difficult month for me. With taxes (I'm a teacher and pay 28% -- ewo small business is but one part of the backbone of this economy -- oh well, teachers are always valued less -- I didn't get into it for the profit-- and BTW my department is self-funded -- we are supported by our tuition revinues) and insurance (due every six months), April is a lean month for me. I will, of course do my best to budget it for next month.

    Silly me, I thought that "the dog" was "the" dog, based on the little pic he posts next to his comments. It was only today that I realized that he wasn't (thanks earlier commenter :) that other guy. Nice to know.

    I hope to budget for your book next month, Glenn. Thank you for all of your work.

  86. Anonymous11:52 PM

    revenues -- drats :)

  87. As of 7:48PM PDT today, it's #3!!!.

    (just did my part to help)

    Go get 'em, Glenn!!! To the top!!!


  88. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Oh boy. This horse race is really fun!

    We're at #3?

    OK, I'll go order some more. I want ej to be able to get a good night's sleep :)

    PS. When Glenn's book hits No. 1 on the NY Times Best Seller list, I'm quietly sneaking back to Amazon and ordering some of those dog books.

    I never met a dog or cat I didn't love and I wish I could say the same about humans.

    I know you are all going to think I am insane, but if a Dog ran for President, I'd vote for him.

  89. "The Dog" sez:

    I did omit Dean's role as a "snitch" and "rat fink" as old blue eyes might have said. Felon, snitch, rat fink, disbarred lawyer....

    Oh, yeah. To "Puppy" here, any worthwhile organisation has to have "omerta".

    He's got every qualification that Bill Clinton has today.

    You mean, like character? Honour? Dunno where you get Clinton being any of the things you mentioned above.

    Dubya's been convicted of at least one more crime than Clinton, and possibly more (ask him about his "volunteer" work in Houston some time). Then there's the ones he'll face down the line ... in the Hague, we hope.


  90. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Hypatia, I didn't think you read my posts. (wink)

    There is no comparison between Chuck Colsen and John Dean. Chuck Colsen became a true person of substance in his life after prison. He donatd most of his earnings to charity, and sincerely dedicated his life to providing ministry to people from all walks of life in prisons in this country.

    Nixon had lots of valuable experiences and insights to provide in his books. Again no comparison to John Dean.

    John Dean on the other hand is just a so so Harriet Meyers (not even as qualified as poor Harriet) with substantial and sustained character flaws that led him into his felonious actions, snitch, and rat fink roles. G. Gordon Liddy has more character and class than John Dean. Dean has been sucking the knee caps of liberal press ever sense getting paroled on his felony convictions. He does this not because of some great conversion, but for his own pecuniary gain.

    Note how the Dean Blurb plays up his role in the Nixon Whitehouse trying to "fool" those not old enough to remember that he must be some right of center republican, when in fact he's just a felon and disbarred lawyer sucking crumbs from the liberal media table.

    I know Chuck Colsen, Chuck Colsen is a friend of mine, and John Dean is no Chuck Colsen.

    Says the "Dog"

  91. Anonymous1:00 AM


    We probably agree on much, except for the definition of "club" words and ultimately that is only semantics. I felt the need in the context of my original post to express that I was not expecting Glenn to donate his work.

    ...but I think you were being glib.

    I am never deep except with the illusion of muddy water, but I am always sincere even in snark. I am a PD or BSD kind of person myself, but the GPL is pure brilliance. I believe it is this kind of squint and cock of the head that changed the world by changing nothing but thought and perspective itself that will lead us out of the morass in which we currently exist.

    To try and restate my previous point in more concrete terms. The GPL requires capitalism and copyright protection. It turned the sword against itself with an unforgiving hand. Pure brilliance and according to my definition pure capitalism. Let us battle over ideas and not definitions, with swords and not clubs.


    When it gets to number two I am buying more.


    Do not apologize. Without your work we would not be able to read Glenn's book. You have done more than you could possibly imagine.

  92. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Please everyone, could you all write to Keith Olberman at countdown@msnbc.com and Lou Dobbs at loudobbs@cnn.com and Jack Cafferty at caffertyfile@cnn.com and tell them to please schedule Glenn for an interview about the book?

    The first two often have authors on who they interview so that's a very realistic possibility, and Jack Cafferty usually finds some spot to throw in some comments about the Bush Administration.

    He's really funny how he does that:)

    These guys all have people who read their emails. Some times they write me back with personal comments about my comments, which are usually sending them links and telling them to include stories about those links, which they often do, although I don't know if it's because of me.

    But every bit helps, right?

    So could you please send them emails? Right now? They are the best bets on Television as they believe in many of the same things Glenn does.

    Meanwhile, I will also write Oprah, although I have a lot of very, very serious misgivings about her.

    But, if we're going to abandon purity for a few minutes, guess I will dive right in with the rest of you.

    Did Glenn's publishers follow up on the poster who wrote about publishers contacting Amazon to enable viewers to read pages inside the book? I just saw that at Amazon too.

  93. Anonymous1:14 AM

    "the dog"

    Finding Jesus as opposed to the "liberal press" is just a matter of marketing. Nobody survived the clusterfuck that is watergate with any credibility. Not Felt, Woodward, Colson, Liddy or Dean.

    The jailhouse conversion is as cliched as logrolling book jackets. Just ask Tookie. I will give Liddy two points for keeping his sense of humor intact.

  94. Anonymous1:15 AM

    I'm outta here. Do your worst, thelastnamechosen ;)

  95. I believe it was Digby who suggested mailing copies of this book to our respective senators and representatives.

    This is an excellent idea.

    Here in Georgia I'll send a copy to my John Lewis secure in the knowledge that-- if his reply letters to me concerning topics of concern are any indication-- he's already well aware of our peril. I'll send copies to Isaakson and Chambliss with the faint hope that if enough copies arrive in their offices they might become curious about why they're being besieged with books.

    Take a moment to follow up on Digby's suggestion.

  96. I believe it was Digby who suggested mailing copies of this book to our respective senators and representatives.

    This is an excellent idea.

    Here in Georgia I'll send a copy to John Lewis secure in the knowledge that-- if his reply letters to me concerning topics of concern are any indication-- he's already well aware of our peril. I'll send copies to Isaakson and Chambliss with the faint hope that if enough copies arrive in their offices they might become curious about why they're being besieged with books.

    Take a moment to follow up on Digby's suggestion.

    Edit: And don't forget, ordering many thousands of copies for distribution to senators and representatives is a fine way of driving presales, heh!

  97. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Just want to go on record as saying I think Bill Clinton is totally lacking in character.

    Not only that, he was terrible to all his animals (bragged to People Magazine about a dog he once had who had "broken" every bone in his body because he was hit by so many cars, and Bill Clinton thought that was funny.)

    And he gave away his cat.
    Then even Buddy got hit and killed by a car.

    And now even though he is an EX PRESIDENT, for God's sake, he hasn't said a word about the torture issue or the illegal spying, but is concerned about childhood obesity.

    He thinks fat kids are the most serious problem facing the nation at this time of crisis?

    Terrible, terrible man.

    Anyway, I saw this on Amazon:

    Nelson DeMille
    Jan 31, 2006 Hello Amazonians - Hello, Amazonians, and welcome to my Amazon Connect page. For those of you who’ve visited my website ( www.nel... read more

    James Patterson
    Jan 27, 2006 for starters - Amazon suggested that this be like a conversation between you and me, so I'm beginning this with a snippet of conversation I'v... read more

    That popped up on my web page when I opened Amazon, I guess because I bought books by those two guys.

    (BTW, "Gold Coast" by Nelson De Mille is a sensational mystery about a lawyer, and extremely funny also. I gave it a 10 out of 10 and I think I will send Glenn a copy so he can read it on one of his plane flights.)

    Anyway, could Glenn have one of those "plogs" on Amazon, and could his publisher see that anyone who has ordered some political books gets his "plog" on their screen when they go there?

  98. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Oh. My. God. Number 2!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nitey, nite, ej. Sweet dreams.

    Before I go back and order some more, can someone please tell me do we have to go through all this again every day until it is published?

    What if some other book starts to move up tomorrow?

    We slip back?

  99. Anonymous1:56 AM

    From Jane at FDL:

    Update: Glenn Greenwald’s book has gone from #50,925 in Amazon sales to #2 in one day. Thanks to everyone who helped to do this. That is amazing and if you haven’t pre-ordered a copy you can still do so.

  100. Anonymous2:00 AM

    I read your blog every day and just ordered your book. Hope it's a best seller so that it will wake up this country.

  101. Says "The Dog":

    I know Chuck Colsen, Chuck Colsen is a friend of mine, and John Dean is no Chuck Colsen.

    Oh, really. Then maybe you should take the time to find out how to spell his name! What a maroon....

    Just another "jailhouse convert". That is to say, he didn't admit to his sins; he just said "Hey, Jaaayyzzzusss sez everyone does it, and I get a 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card if I just beeeliieeevvvee in him...." That's the stoopity (and the venality) of the Fundamentalist credo: It ain't good works that do the trick cause we're all just sinners no matter what. No, the trick isn't actual repentance, remorse, reparation, and doing good (that's -- ummm, "hard work", to use Dubya's term), the trick is finding Jaaaayyyzzzuuusss and then telling people what a wonderful thing it is that a piece of trash like you can go to Heaven. No thanks.


  102. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Ten more.

    Your move eyes wide open.

    The bad news is that amazon is a fickle mistress and my dog is in desperate need of "correcting." Not to mention the four brand new kittens. Damn they are cute.

  103. Anonymous3:05 AM

    #1!!! Congratulations!

  104. Anonymous3:14 AM

    I just ordered four copies and it's now listed at Amazon at # 1! I like the idea of giving copies to libraries, but do people have any other suggestions for distribution? I am not buying it for friends because that would really be preaching to the choir (hey, I can't imagine having friends that were of the other kind). But how do we get our copies distributed to the very people who need to read it?

    I think the massive response just here tonight, and on other blogs, is such a strong indication that those of us who care about our country want so desperately to DO SOMETHING, even if it's as small an act as buying a couple copies of your book. And there are millions of us out there, I suspect. I started reading your blog soon after I began reading Firedoglake and was so thrilled to hear such intelligent, well-informed, and articulate voices -- and feel the support of the communities of readers, just thirsting for the information, the confirmation, the leadership (yeah, REAL leadership!).

    Let us know what more we can do to support the book and thanks so much for dedicating the time and effort to writing it -- now THAT IS hard work!

  105. Anonymous3:24 AM

    lastnamechosen: I don't believe in capitalism the way I do because I run from competition.

    My move? Right on, I'm outta here and over at Amazon right now!

    PS. Before I go, I just want to say I am not surprised that Condi Rice is supporting Turkey:

    Tue Apr 25, 2:07 PM ET

    ANKARA (Reuters) - The United States tried on Tuesday to ease Turkey's concerns instability in Iraq was threatening its security, pledging continued support for Ankara's fight against the rebel Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

    U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the formation of a new Iraqi government would help boost coordination between the three countries and prevent border incursions by the PKK, seen by both Ankara and Washington as a terrorist group.

    OK. I admit I never heard of the PKK rebels before.

    But I do know Turkey engaged in one of the most brutal genocides in history and massacred literally 50% of the Armenian People.

    Now the UN and Turkey want to take out all references of that massacre out of history books in this country and theirs (everyone should sign a petition against that---I will post a link tomorrow) and I bet those PKK people are not really terrorists, but people with a legitimate grievance.

    I will read up on that, however. I could be wrong.

    Off to amazon....

    PPS. BTW, Ayn Rand once said that when her books starting making a lot of money, she had visions of herself living in glamorous circumstances like the houses in her books and indulging in some personal luxury.

    But when her cats starting peeing all over her aparment and chewing up all her furniture, she gave up those notions in a hurry and just learned to live with it.

    As a strict anti-authoritarian and an animal lover, I advise you the only time to ever discipline a dog is if he threatens his own or another's safety.

    Other than that, let your dog just be the Alpha and don't try to "correct him". So you don't need to get that book after all. No charge for the advice :)

  106. Amazing! I followed Atrios' link (since I owe him the pennies, at the very least), and discovered I had $12 on a gift certificate from Gore-knows-when... so, I've got it pre-ordered, too. Too cool.

  107. Anonymous4:02 AM

    My line about "correcting" my dog was a joke about the book that needed to be toppled. See hypatia's post at 10:59 in this thread. Believe me, my dog "corrects" me with subtle paw gestures and and high pitched whistles imperceptible to the average human. She is a very good girl and keeps me on the straight and narrow.

    The more I learn, the more I think Turkey is the Rosetta Stone.

    I spent too much of my life outside of eden. I am now surrounded with cats, dogs, chickens, fish, turtles, snakes, crawfish, birds, tadpoles (soon to be toads) and others too numerous to catalogue. I am the only one left in a cage.

    Did someone mention cat pee? The subtlety and sophistication of song that "the one who nurses" sings to her children puts crude human speech to shame. I am in constant awe.

  108. Anonymous4:04 AM

    eyes wide open,
    The above post should be addressed to you.

  109. Anonymous4:19 AM


    Did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's # 1 now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please don't give me any new challenges. I am about to go bankrupt.

    Now, I will go read your last post.

    BTW, does anyone know if Amazon ships to Europe?

    I forgot to tell everyone that when I emailed Glenn's blog to a friend of mine in Europe, she wrote back and said some "foreign ministers" there asked if I could send them some copies of Glenn's book!

    (To NSA: friendly country, member of NATO, so don't ship me to Gitmo please.)

  110. Anonymous4:34 AM

    lastnamechosen: I know the post was to me. Who else would be up at this hour, lurking around to place orders for Glenn's book when the dog correctors are all sleeping?

    Sorry I used that word. Guess I'm getting punch drunk trying to think of new people to send books to directly, as when my own shipment comes here, I'll have to move out for lack of room.

    That's great you live among all those animals! You are a regular Paul McCartney, one of my biggest heroes because of his work on behalf of animals.

    Meanwhile, I just checked out Asia
    Times on my way back here, and here are some interesting links:

    Attack Iran, destroy the US constitution

    Indeed, there is considerable evidence that military action against Iran has already begun - without congressional approval. This is a usurpation of the US constitution.


    What's really happening in Tehran

    Smiling and articulate, Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad locked horns with the international media on Monday, showing a face somewhat different from that of a suicidal nut bent on confronting the US, as he is often portrayed.

    And they have a bunch of other stuff over there, although I cannot vouch for their objectivity.

  111. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Greenwald, you're #1.


  112. Anonymous5:47 AM

    eyes wide open,

    Thanks for the links. I believe the Iran war has already started MEK style. Can I be John Lennon instead of McCartney? See the lyrics for Lennon's "How do you sleep?" Puts the rap wars to shame.

    And on that note I am off to bed. Us ringers also need to realize that like the consultants we don't mean a thing. It was the lurkers and one offs that put this puppy over the top. But we done good all the same.

    I will quote Johnny Cash quoting Danzig, if for no other reason than it is a damn good song and it is playing as I type this.

    "Bad luck wind been blowin' on my back
    I was born to bring trouble wherever I'm at
    Got the number '13' tattooed on my neck
    When the ink starts to itch then the
    Black will turn to red

    I was born in the soul of misery
    Never had me a name
    They just give me a number when I was young"

    We both deserve a good night sleep.

  113. (To NSA: friendly country, member of NATO, so don't ship me to Gitmo please.)

    Doesn't matter. "Foreign power". Next?...

    (Just a FYI, Bamford's "The Puzzle Palace" [dated, but still quite relevant] makes clear that the NSA had/has no qualms about spying on "allies")


  114. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I also support the idea of releasing a free version of the book. I've bought two of Cory Doctorow's novels, both of which I first read for free since he releases all his books as pdfs on his site, craphound.com. I likely won't read them again, but I'll happily give them away and I was happy to support the author.

    More recently, Yochai Benkler released his _The Wealth of Networks_, published by Yale University Press, not only as a free pdf download but also as a wiki. I haven't read it yet, if and when I do and like it, I'll likely purchase the bound book as well.

    Seems to me authors of political books can have one or two agendas: suggest real political change and/or sell books. Not providing a free download implicitly supports nonprogressive artificial scarcity, and, to me at least, diminishes credibility. Maybe Kos will in turn release his book; why not support a progressive trend?

  115. Anonymous12:55 PM

    mike, personally I like to buy the books I read. Sitting by a fire with a great book and getting totally absorbed in it is an experience very different than "downloading" a book and reading it online.

    I don't relate to this idea of "giving away" books for free on the Internet.

    Authors are entitled to be paid for their labor just as much as anyone else is. Usually more so, because of the tremendous thought and effort that goes into writing a book with no certainty there will be any financial compensation for that time and effort if the book does not do well.

    I just read that in a survey some years ago, 70% of Americans questioned thought that Marx's "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" was in the US Constitution.

    I never saw that there. Thankfully.

  116. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Arne and LastNameChosen:

    Chuck Colsen was no show pony jailhouse conversion. You know nothing about his life after prison to make these statements.

    For the rest of his life after prison he worked entirely to provide ministry to people still in prison. The money he made from books and appearances was donated substantially to charity for such ministries.

    As I said in my opening paragraph to which you commented.

    There is no comparison between Chuck Colsen and John Dean. Chuck Colsen became a true person of substance in his life after prison. He donatd most of his earnings to charity, and sincerely dedicated his life to providing ministry to people from all walks of life in prisons in this country

    I know the far left hates religion and especially hates people who actually believe the principles of their christian faith rather than just spout them for public consumption, but Chuck Colsen's conversion lasted for decades AFTER prison and was not for show ala Tookie Williams.

    Says the "Dog"

  117. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Eyes Wide Open said...
    mike, personally I like to buy the books I read. Sitting by a fire with a great book and getting totally absorbed in it is an experience very different than "downloading" a book and reading it online....Authors are entitled to be paid for their labor just as much as anyone else is.

    I agree 100% with what you are saying. But, suppose the universe splits in two when Glenn decides whether to release his book for free or not.

    In one universe, there is no free version,the book sells well but in insufficient numbers to motivate the electorate. Republican control continues, and eventually a Dominionist administration nukes the world in a quest for Rapture, with billions dead.

    In the other, where the book is freely released, sales are slightly less than in the other universe, but the free edition motivates the electorate enough that the republicans lose control of government and are made to account for the previous eight years. Nukewar is avoided; earth continues to exist.

    While unlikely, it's impossible to determine such 'butterfly' effects, so either way we'll never know. It's all up to Glenn.

  118. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "the dog"

    If you are going to do this with a straight face you need to spell Colson's name correctly and capitalize Christian.

    Arne already pointed the spelling out to you once.

  119. "The Dog" piddles:

    I know the far left hates religion and especially hates people who actually believe the principles of their christian faith rather than just spout them for public consumption,...

    Yeah, WWJD, eh?

    As for the "principles" of the fundamentalists (you know, people like Colson, but more the rabid chickenhawks so willing to nuke all Muslims all the while professing their "Christian" faith; people like Boykin), I have nothing but scorn. The Five Fundamentals are: Inerrancy, immaculate conceptions, resurrection, substitutionalry atonement, and miracles. Noddadamnthing about how you ought to treat your brother. And as I pointed out, it's that "substitutionary atonement" one there that really gets me; it's just an excuse to take the lazy way out and slough off responsibility. You can be an axe-murdering pederast and go to heaven if you just close your eyes and beeeellliiiieeeevvveee hard enough ... maybe even with some clapping, so Tinkerbelle doesn't die. What a cop-out.

    Colson was out to "save" people, not reform them particularly. A waste of effort, and hardly the mark of a truly reformed person ... not to mention, arrogant in my book.

    ... but Chuck Colsen's conversion lasted for decades AFTER prison and was not for show ala Tookie Williams.

    As I thought I made clear, I don't think that "conversion" is worth a bucket of warm spit. Now is it clear?

    FWIW, Tookie at least was trying to get to the kids before they ended up in prison and keep them out. Colson just wanted to "save" the folks thagt were already there.

    As an added bonus, Colson's a "Intelligent Design" nutzo.

    Here's more on Colson's twisted view of "Christianity":

    "In October 2002, Colson, along with several other prominent American evangelical leaders, was a co-signer of the Land letter to President Bush which outlined a "just war" endorsement of the pre-emptive invasion of Iraq."


  120. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Arne, your gross mischaracterizations and generalizations about people of faith are so wrong and twisted as to need no further comment from me. Your comments highlight perfectly the contempt and hatred you and the left have for people of faith, particularly christian people of faith.

    I particularly love it when someone criticizes those who find it dificult to have *faith* in the religion of nothing (pre big bang) progresses from the big bang and periods where there is no living thing in the universe to a point where life appears out of that nothing and then develops all by itself into all forms of life including human beings.

    It takes as much or more blind faith to believe that nothing and non-life becomes a human being over time given ONLY enough time and chances, than it does to believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful God.

    Its really funny watching those who have their *faith* in the development of the universe and life complaining of others who have a different *faith* solely on the basis that its based on *faith*.


    Says the "Dog"

  121. "The Dog" sez:

    Arne, your gross mischaracterizations and generalizations about people of faith are so wrong and twisted as to need no further comment from me.

    How about the links, eh? Fine Cris'shun "friends" you have there.

    But I'm not making "generalizations" about "people of faith". I restricted my comments to the RW "Christians" (and particularly to fundamentalists and their ink), and for reasons I described.

    I particularly love it when someone criticizes those who find it dificult to have *faith* in the religion of nothing (pre big bang) progresses from the big bang and periods where there is no living thing in the universe to a point where life appears out of that nothing and then develops all by itself into all forms of life including human beings.

    IC. Another scientific imbecile that doesn't know what evolution is. There's a couple other places where you'll get a smackdown well deserved for your idiocy, but I won't tell you where, because I really don't want to inflict you on them. Just a clue for you: "Abiogenesis" OK? Google it.

    But I haven't the foggiest where you get this idea I have some "'faith' in the religion of nothing". You certainly don't know what my views are, but I can tell you that "faith" is certainly not among my habits.

    Look, you can believe in whatever fairy tales you like, and if it bothers you not to have "all the answers", you can go ahead and make them up (may even be better for us all if it keeps you from flying completely off the handle and pulling a Columbine after you figure out your own private worthlessness). Believe what you want (and let a billion Hindus not so afflicted go and grab your job). But if you try and call that crock "science", I'm gonna call you on it.

    It takes as much or more blind faith to believe that nothing and non-life becomes a human being over time given ONLY enough time and chances, than it does to believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful God.

    Nonsense. We have evidence for the first. Not for the second. And deciding on the basis of evidence is not "faith" (and in fact is the antithesis of "faith"). When you figure that out, let me know.

    Now want to talk about fine, upstanding members of the conservative wing shouting out that a fifteen year old girl should die and get raped for having the temerity to talk about her take on the SOTM?

    Or how about an academic discussion of whether axe-murdering pederasts that "find Jaaayyyyyzzzzuuuusss" are going to be waiting to rub elbows wid ya if'n you make it up there, OK, "Dog"?


  122. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I just requested that my local library buy your book. They may or may not do it, but it is a bigger audience than my personal copy would have.

  123. Anonymous5:28 PM

    The blurb for the book that I saw suggests that the book emphasizes the power grab by the president or for the presidency. However, Congress is in no way innocent. The vast majority of them are supporting wars of agression and empire.
